Changing the Enactor standard customer capture function with a customer process to capture a customer using the REST mock service.

  • Check whether there’s a suitable extension calling process in the application process you’ve discovered in Task1
    • If there’s no extension calling process include one just after the Start state

      – If the identified process is in the EnactorHome location make sure to remove
      the “-deploymentMode=LEGACY” argument from the POS launch. Otherwise, the changes to the file will be overwritten and you lose the extension calling process when you run the POS
      – The StopExtensionLinking outcome should be mapped to the “Success” outcome in the discovered process
  • Implement the extension point with a custom process
  • Add a custom customer number capture prompt
  • Use InvokeViaConnectionPointAction class to invoke the Mock service.
    Make sure you will provide the values for the required inputs based on the Task3
    • Verify that ${ProcessConnections.DefinitionId}${Service.DeviceID}, and ${Service.DeviceType} used in the InvokeViaConnectionPointAction action are getting the correct values. (These will be extracted from the enactor.xml)
  • Add a Customer Confirmation Prompt with the extracted details
    • Customer Name should be formatted to show the “forename + surname” (eg. Johnny Depp)
    • DoB value should be formatted to show “dd MMM yyyy”
    • ​Training Task – Extension Points​Format the ytdSpend amount with the currency type ytdSpendCurrency

      Hint – The formatting functions provided by Enactor Toolkit can be used to format the values (double-click the value field in the page definition’s properties panel)

  • To display the Spend Voucher value use a MessageBase and a MessageId
    • Create a suitable message resource to hold the MessageId and its value

      Hints –
      – MessageResources location – <Customer Extension> Pos project → src → META-INF → deployments→ MessageResource
      – Create a message resource class with a suitable name and include a message and make sure to register in the Packages.xml. Use Enactor provided wizard (right-click on the project→ New → Other → Enactor Development → Message Resource)

  • Refer an existing message resource class (eg. Pos/Maintenance/UserMaintenanceMessages)
  • -The ternary operation can be used in message resources
  • By this prompt, operator should only be able to add/edit the Customer Tax Identification Number
  • Use an “assign action” to embed the values into the CustomerRetailDetails object.

    Hint – use the object “transaction.customerRetailDetails”
    Complete a transaction and check if the resulting transaction XML in the file system has the expected data