How to Configure Promotions
This How-to guide explains the process of setting up all the configuration data required for a new Store, including the store configuration itself, and the devices (including fixed and mobile POS Terminals) that will be used within the store.
This guide will cover the essential elements of Location, Device, and POS Terminal configuration for a new store.
This guide does not cover all tabs, sub-tabs, and fields. Please see the Enactor Books for detailed information.
The purpose of this guide is to provide a foundational understanding of the options and capabilities available when designing Promotions. The Enactor Promotions Engine is extremely powerful and flexible while remaining easy to manage. The Enactor Promotions Engine provides nearly limitless capabilities when defining offer qualifications and rewards.
All activity required to define and configure a new offer is completed within the Promotions Maintenance application. However, offer behaviour can be influenced by additional factors such as Regions, Locations, MMG hierarchy, Brands, Product Groups, Loyalty Programmes and many others. Therefore, a system should be fully configured and loaded with all master data before proceeding with Promotions setup.
Before starting, you should have the following resources in place:
Enactor Estate Manager
Enactor POS (configured within the UK Region, connected to the Estate Manager)
Standard Configuration, including:
Base Configuration
UK Retail (I have used UK in this example, but it could be other regional config packs.)
Regionally appropriate data including Product, Localisation, Tenders, Vouchers etc.
Customer configuration including Loyalty, Tiers and Groups
Prior Training/Experience
You should be familiar with the following:
Estate Manager configuration
Enactor configuration concepts, including Locations, POS Terminals, Products etc.
Data broadcasting
Standard POS Sales processes
Promotion Fundamentals
Nature of the promotion
The Enactor Promotions Engine categorizes all promotions into one of two types: either Transaction Level or Item Level. Transaction Level Promotion rewards are applied against the entire transaction. Item Level rewards are applied to specific items or groups of items in a transaction.
Promotion Trigger
Transaction Level Promotions are triggered by the entire transaction meeting the qualifying threshold (value, quantity, points, etc.). Additional Inclusion/Exclusion rules can be imposed for attributes such as Loyalty Membership, Customer Segment, Regions, Location and more.
Item Set Inclusion/Exclusion
Item Level promotions are triggered by meeting the qualifying threshold (value, quantity, points, etc.) of a particular item or group of items within the transaction. As with Transaction Level Promotions, additional Inclusion/Exclusion rules can be imposed for attributes such as Loyalty Membership, Customer Segment, Regions, Location and more.
Promotion Reward
When a Promotion is triggered, a Reward is provided. The specific type and value of the Reward are defined as part of the Promotion Configuration. A large number of Reward types are supported including Discounts, Vouchers, Free Items, Fee Override, Gift Cards and others.
Manner of Application
The manner in which a Reward is applied is defined through configuration and is specific to the Promotion. This includes the ability to define how the Reward behaves during returns and how it interacts with other Promotions, Discounts and Overrides.
Promotion Timetable
Promotions are typically effective over a specific range of dates. Beginning and ending dates can be specified for each offer. Promotions can also be limited to be active only during specific times of the day and/or on specific days of the week.
Enactor supports multiple Promotion types, rewards, application methods, qualification and include/exclude criteria. This guide focuses on the core concepts which can then be replicated across numerous variations. For a detailed account of all available options, please refer to the full Enactor Application Configuration book.
Access Promotions using the Promotions option,
obtained via the selection sequence shown at right, starting from the
Main Menu:
On the Promotion Maintenance page, select “Create a new Promotion”.
If the Promotion is being created for a specific Region, select it from the list. Otherwise, it can be left as “All Regions”. Each Promotion must have a unique Promotion ID per Region. This can be automatically generated if one is not specified.
Manner of Application
Numerous tabs are displayed within Promotion Maintenance. The options displayed on the General tabs primarily impact how the Promotion is applied.
On the General – General tab, a Description is required for the Promotion. This is the Description that will be shown on the operator display and receipt when the promotion is triggered. The Notes field is provided to allow a more detailed description of the Promotion for internal reference. The Notes are not visible to the cashier or customer.
When multiple combinations of Promotions could be applied to a transaction the Promotions Engine uses Best Deal Logic to select the combination that results in the highest discount to the customer. If a retailer wishes to override the Best Deal Logic and force certain Promotions to be chosen over others, the behaviour can be manipulated by applying a Best Deal Priority. This feature should be used only when absolutely necessary as it may result in unexpected results especially in highly promotional environments.
When setting up Item Level Promotions, it is possible to have multiple Item Sets. Some Item Sets may have a reward associated while other Item Sets only exist for qualification. As an example, a Promotion may be defined to discount items 10% from merchandise category ‘B’ if the customer spends at least £20 on items in merchandise category ‘A’. Under normal circumstances, the transaction XML in this example would only show a discount applied to items from merchandise category ‘B’ even though the items in merchandise category ‘A’ were technically part of the promotion. If the option to “Distribute Savings Over All Promotion Items” is selected, the transaction XML would then show the total discount amount distributed proportionally across the items from both merchandise categories. This option has no impact on the amount of discount given and is transparent to the cashier and customer. This change is made only to comply with the retailer’s accounting practices.
If a Promotion is allowed to overlap with other Promotions or Discounts, selections should be made for “Operation with Previous Promotions” and “Operation with Discounts”. The available selections will determine when the promotion can apply and if it should calculate using gross or net price.
If a promotion can only be used a certain number of times within a single transaction it should be specified in the “Limit Number of Promotions” field. If no entry is made, the Promotion will trigger as many times as needed.
There may be circumstances where it is appropriate to alert the operator that a particular Promotion has been triggered and require their acknowledgement. Selecting “Force Acknowledge Triggered Alert” will result in a pop-up message being displayed when triggered. When this option is selected, an additional input field is displayed on the form for the “Triggered Alert Message” to specify the message sent to the operator.
Similarly, it is possible to “Alert Operator When Nearly Triggered” indicating the customer has almost qualified for a Promotion. This is frequently used to entice the customer to make additional purchases if they are close to qualifying for a reward. When this option is selected, an additional input field is displayed on the form for the “Near Miss Alert Message” to specify the message sent to the operator.
If the Promotion is set to “Alert Operator When Nearly Triggered” an additional threshold will be defined to specify when this alert should be sent. Thresholds are reviewed later in this document.
The General – Returns tab controls atypical Promotion behaviour during return transactions. These settings do not need to be changed to accommodate normal return transactions. If a receipted return is done on a transaction that has been reduced by a promotion, that will automatically be included in the refund.
In some cases, items may be qualifiers for multiple Promotions and capable of triggering multiple offers in a transaction. Promotions with some number of common qualifying items are said to Overlap. Retailers have differing policies on Promotions with some allowing the customer to claim all rewards possible while others stipulate that an item can only be used once to qualify for a Promotion. Some retailers, with very complicated promotional schemes, allow the overlapping of some promotions while restricting others. The General – Overlap tab permits full control of how the promotions should interact together.
To allow the items involved with this Promotion to be used in all other eligible Promotions, the “Allow Items To Be Used In All Other Promotions” option should be selected. When this option is selected, the dropdown selector to add individual Promotions is removed. If the Promotion is only allowed to Overlap with a limited number of other Promotions, they should be selected from the ID dropdown and added to the list individually using the “Add Overlapping Promotion” button. To disallow all Overlap, the “Allow Items To Be Used In All Other Promotions” option should be unselected and no Promotions should be added to the list of Promotions allowing Overlap.
Promotion Timetable
Typically, Promotions are active for a limited time. Managing when a Promotion is valid is accomplished on the Timetable tab.
Promotions can be setup and broadcast in advance of their active dates by designating the Promotion Start Date which is the first day the Promotion is active. The Promotion End Date signifies the last day that the promotion is active. By using the Transaction Trigger End Date, it is possible to stop the promotion from triggering automatically but remain available for manual activation. If no dates are specified, a Promotion will be active immediately upon broadcast and remain active until an End Date is supplied or the Promotion is removed.
By specifying Valid Times for the Promotion, it is possible to create a Promotion that is only valid on certain days of the week and/or times of day.
Additional Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
In addition to Timetable, there are several other factors that can influence the validity of a Promotion. The Customers tab provides Include/Exclude options based on Customer.
The Customers – General tab includes the options to restrict the Promotion to Loyalty members. This is accomplished by selecting the “Promotion applies to Loyalty Card Holders only” option. In the event that the retailer has multiple Loyalty Schemes or Tiers, they can also be specified using the drop-down selectors.
The Customers – Included Customers and Customers – Excluded Customers allows the direct entry of individual customers to be Included or Excluded from the Promotion. To add a Customer to either list, simply enter the customer number and then click “Add Customer Number”.
Similarly, the Customers – Included Groups and Customers – Excluded Groups tabs allow the Inclusion or Exclusion of specific Customer Groups. To add a Customer Group to either list, select the desired Group from the dropdown and click “Add Customer Group”.
Employee Sales are covered in detail in a separate How to Guide. On the Employees tab it is possible to control a Promotion’s validity within an Employee Sale Transaction.
To make a Promotion valid within an Employee Sale Transaction, “Enable this Promotion during Employee Sales” must be selected. Additionally, selecting the “Restrict to Employee Sales only” option will result in the Promotion only being valid within an Employee Sale Transaction.
It is possible to limit the amount of discount that an Employee can receive over a period of time through Employee Sales. This is discussed in detail in the How to Guide on configuring Employee Sales. To have Promotional discounts count towards that limit, the “Update Employee Discount Balance with savings” option must be selected.
If a Promotion has been enabled for Employee Sales, it is possible to limit the validity to subsections of Employees. If Employee Groups have been defined, it is possible to Include or Exclude Employee Groups from the Promotion on the Employees – Included Employee Groups and Employees – Excluded Employee Groups tabs. To Include or Exclude a group, select it from the dropdown and click “Add Employee Group”.
Similarly, it is possible to Include or Exclude Employee Grades from the Promotion on the Employees – Included Employee Grades and Employees – Excluded Employee Grades tabs. To Include or Exclude a grade, select it from the dropdown and click “Add Employee Grade”.
Promotions can also be linked to the use of a specific Tender. Since the Promotion is not triggered until the tender has been selected, the transaction flow is a bit unique.
On the Tenders tab, select the desired Tender ID(s) from the dropdown and click “Add Tender”. By default, the Promotions Engine stops basket evaluation once the tendering process has been initiated. If a Tender is being used as a Promotion trigger, the “Enable Promotion Check in Tendering” option must be selected for that specific Tender in the Tender Maintenance application. See the How to Guide on configuring Tenders for more information.
When a Promotion has been triggered after selecting the appropriate Tender, the operator will receive a message on the terminal informing them of the new total.
Promotions can be triggered through the use of Vouchers. On the Vouchers tab, select the required Voucher from the dropdown and click “Add Voucher”. The appropriate Voucher will now need to be presented to qualify for the Promotion.
On the Regions tab, it is possible to Include or Exclude the Promotion at a Region level lower than it was created. On the Regions – Included Regions or Regions – Excluded Regions tabs, select the desired region from the dropdown and click “Add Region”.
Retailers that operate more than one Fascia can Include or Exclude Promotions at the Fascia level. On the Fascias – Included Fascias or Fascias – Excluded Fascias tabs, select the desired fascia from the dropdown and click “Add Fascia”.
Note that like Promotions, Fascias are also tied to Regions. For a Fascia to appear as an option, it must be within the same Region hierarchy as the Promotion and at the same level or below.
Using the Locations – Included Locations and Locations – Excluded Locations tabs, individual Locations can be Included or Excluded from a Promotion. This is accomplished by selecting the desired Location from the dropdown and clicking “Add Location”.
Locations will appear as options only if they are within the same Regional hierarchy as the promotion and at the same level or below.
In the example above, the Promotion was created for ‘All Regions’ which permits any Region to be added to the Include or Exclude list. If the Promotion had been created for a Region at the lowest level of the hierarchy, no Regions would be available for selection.
Transaction Promotion Types
In a Transaction Promotion, qualification is evaluated at the Transaction Level and the Reward is applied at the Transaction Level. Select the Transaction tab to define the qualifiers and rewards.
There are currently 9 different Transaction Promotion Types. The form displayed for Reward definition will vary based on the selected Promotion Type.
Additional Points
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with Additional Points deposited into their Loyalty account. The Reward Value represents the number of Additional Points to be received.
Amount Discount
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with a currency Amount Discount applied to the transaction. The Reward Value represents the Discount Amount being applied to the transaction.
Free Product Alert
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with a Free Product. The intent is for this Promotion to be used for a “give-away” product that will be given to the customer by the operator upon qualification. As opposed to a Reward Value, this Promotion requires entry of the Free Product ID.
Gift Card
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with a Gift Card to be used on a future purchase. During the tender process, the operator will be instructed to scan/swipe a gift card which will be activated for the specified amount. The Gift Card Type must be selected from the dropdown and the Gift Card Amount is specified in the Reward Value.
% Discount
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with a Percentage-based Discount applied to their transaction. The Reward Value represents the desired Discount Percentage. The Rounding Rule determines if the discount amount will always be rounded Up, Down or to the Closest amount. It is also possible to specify a Maximum Reward Saving so that the discount cannot exceed a particular currency value.
Points Multiplier
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with Additional Points deposited into their Loyalty account. The amount of Points is determined by multiplying the Points earned in the transaction by the Reward Value.
Points Rate
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with Additional Points deposited into their Loyalty account. The amount of Points is determined by adding the number of Points earned in the transaction to the number of Points that would be earned in the transaction using the Points rate entered as the Reward Value.
Promotion Coupon
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with a printed Coupon to use on a future purchase. This Promotion Type requires specification of the Promotion Coupon Product ID, which will be used as a qualifier on redemption, and the Promotion Voucher Type which defines the information to be printed.
Spend X get Y
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with a currency Amount Discount applied to the transaction. While similar to the Amount Discount Promotion Type, there are 2 key differences. First, the Threshold must be expressed in terms of transaction currency value (thresholds are discussed in a later section). Second, the Reward amount will be applied every time the Threshold is met. For example, if the promotion is setup as Spend £50 get £5 a £100 transaction would get £10 and a £150 transaction would get £15 and so on. The Reward Value should be equal to the lowest level currency Discount Amount.
Transaction Threshold Types
All Transaction Promotions utilise the same form to define qualification Threshold.
There are 4 Threshold Types that can be used with Transaction Promotions:
Count: The number of items in the Transaction
Value: The value of all items in the Transaction
Points: The number of loyalty points earned in the Transaction
Points Balance: The customer’s current loyalty points balance
After selecting the Threshold Type from the dropdown, enter the desired Threshold Value in the provided field.
If the Promotion has been configured to “Alert Operator When Nearly Triggered” an additional Threshold field will be shown. This is labeled as the Alert Threshold and represents the condition that must be satisfied to trigger the alert.
Item Sets
Item sets are used to trigger Promotions based on the specific Items or groups of Items within the transaction. By using Item Sets, it is also possible to confine the Reward to a particular Item or group of Items. To define an Item Set, select the Item Sets tab and click “Add Item Set”.
It is possible and common to create more than one Item Set within a Promotion. When more than one Item Set exists, all item sets must be satisfied for the Promotion to be triggered.
Similar to Transaction Promotions, Item Sets are defined by selecting the Promotion Type, defining the Reward and Threshold. Item Sets support all of the Promotion Types supported by Transaction Promotions plus several additional. The biggest difference with Item Sets is the process to define what products will satisfy the Item Set.
Multiple criteria are available for defining the products within an Item Set. Most commonly, products are included or exclude by Product ID, Brand, Product Groups or Merchandise Hierarchy.
To define an Item Set, select “Add Item Set” from the Item Sets tab.
On the Products tab, items can be explicitly Included or Excluded by adding the Product ID to the Included Products or Excluded Products list. Products can be added individually by entering the Product ID and clicking “Add Product ID”.
Multiple Products can also be added at once by clicking “Select Products” and then using the Product Search function.
Using the Product ID as described above to specifically Include or Exclude items from an Item Set can be cumbersome when dealing with large data sets. Therefore, it is more common to see Item Sets defined by using a combination of Brand, Product Groups and MM Group.
To add a Brand to the Include Brands or Excluded Brands list, select the desired Brand from the dropdown and click “Add Brand”. If multiple Brands are included on a list, they will be treated as an ‘OR’ condition.
To add a Product Group to the Included Product Groups or Excluded Product Groups list, select the desired Product Group from the dropdown and click “Add Product Group”. If multiple Product Groups are included on a list, they will be treated as an ‘OR’ condition by default. However, when multiple Product Groups are included on a list, an additional option of “An item must match all product groups” will become available. If this option is selected, the list of Product Groups will be treated as an ‘AND’ condition.
To add an MM Group to the Included MM Groups or Excluded MM Groups list, select the desired MM Group from the dropdown and click “Add MM Group”. It is important to note when selecting an MM Group all subgroups will also be included.
When defining Item Sets using these general features, they can be combined with ‘AND’ logic. For example, it is possible include a specific MM Group by selecting it on the Included MM Groups tab but exclude items that are of a specific Brand in the MM Group by also selecting the Brand on the Excluded Brands tab.
Item Set Promotion Types
There are 19 base Item Set Promotion Types. As with Transaction Promotions, the information required to define the associated Reward will vary based on the selected Promotion Type.
It is possible and common to define an Item Set with a Promotion Type of “None”. This is typically done in Promotions where the items required to qualify for a promotion are different than the items to which a Reward will be applied. Take the following promotion as an example: 10% off accessory items with a Tablet purchase. This Promotion would use 2 items sets. One Item Set would be the qualifying purchase of a Tablet. This Item Set would have a Promotion Type of “None” since no Reward is being applied to the Tablet. The second Item Set would be for the accessory purchase with Promotion Type of “% Discount” which is discussed later.
Additional Points
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with Additional Points deposited into their Loyalty account. The Reward Value represents the number of Additional Points to be received.
Amount Discount
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with a currency Amount Discount. The Reward Value represents the Discount Amount being applied singularly to the Item/Group of Items in the transaction defined by the Item Set.
Amount Discount by Item
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with a currency Amount Discount. The Reward Value represents the Discount Amount being applied to each item in the transaction defined by the Item Set.
Cheapest/Closest/Dearest Products Free
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer by fully discounting a designated number of items in the Item Set. Commonly thought of in terms of a BOGO-type offer, this Promotion provides some amount of product at a 100% discount when the qualifying purchase is made. The variations of Cheapest, Closest and Dearest permit control over which item in the group will provided free. When selecting this promotion type, the Number Of Free Products is specified on the Type tab.
% Discount (Cheapest/Closest/Dearest Products)
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer by applying a % Discount to a designated number of items in the Item Set. Similar to the previous Promotion, this Promotion Type offers the Cheapest, Closest and Dearest variants to control which item(s) are to receive the discount. This Promotion Type requires the Number of Items to Discount, the Discount Rate and the Rounding Rule to be specified on the Type tab.
Fixed Price
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer by applying a Fixed Price to a group of items as defined in the Item Set. A Fixed Price Promotion Type is frequently used when selling a bundle of items at a promotional price independent of their regular prices (i.e., buy any shirt and tie for £100). The promotional selling price is specified in the Reward Value not a discount amount.
Fixed Price by Item
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer by applying a Fixed Price to each item as defined by the item set. In contrast to the previous Promotion Type, Fixed Price by Item establishes a promotional selling price for each individual item as opposed to setting a price for a group/bundle of items. The promotional selling price is specified in the Reward Value not a discount amount.
Offer-Price Promotion
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer by applying an alternative Price Type for the items as defined by the Item Set. The Price Type that is being used for the Promotion is selected on the Type tab.
Free Product Alert
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with a Free Product. The intent is for this Promotion to be used for a “give-away” product that will be given to the customer by the operator upon qualification. This Promotion Type requires entry of the Free Product ID. Optionally, it is possible to display a specific Alert Message to the operator and require them to acknowledge using the Force Acknowledge Alert option.
Gift Card
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with a Gift Card to be used on a future purchase. During the tender process, the operator will be instructed to scan/swipe a gift card which will be activated for the specified amount. The Gift Card Type must be selected from the dropdown and the Gift Card Amount is specified in the Reward Value.
% Discount
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with a Percentage-based Discount applied to the items defined by the Item Set. The Reward Value represents the desired Discount Percentage. The Rounding Rule determines if the discount amount will always be rounded Up, Down or to the Closest amount. It is also possible to specify a Maximum Reward Saving so that the discount cannot exceed a particular currency value.
Points Multiplier
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with Additional Points deposited into their Loyalty account. The amount of Points is determined by multiplying the Points earned by the items contained within the Item Set by the Reward Value.
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with a Voucher to be used on a future purchase. The Voucher Type is selected from a dropdown containing all Vouchers available within the Promotion’s selected Region.
Promotion Coupon
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with a Promotion Coupon to be used on a future purchase. The Coupon Product ID is entered directly on the Type tab or it can be found by clicking “Select Product” and using the Product Search application.
Within Product Maintenance, there is a special Product Type of Promotional Coupon Product. By creating a Product to represent a Promotional Coupon, that Product ID can be included in an Item Set of the Promotion it is designed to trigger. A Promotional Coupon Product is a simple way of issuing coupons when single use or serial number tracking is not required.
Spend X Get Free Product
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with a Free Product after meeting a currency spend Threshold within the Item Set. The intent is for this Promotion to be used for a “give-away” product that will be given to the customer by the operator upon qualification. This Promotion Type requires entry of the Free Product ID which can be done directly or located with Product Search by clicking “Select Product”.
Spend X Get Y
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer with a currency Amount Discount applied to the items as defined in the Item Set. While similar to the Amount Discount Promotion Type, there are 2 key differences. First, the Threshold must be expressed in terms of transaction currency value (thresholds are discussed in a later section). Second, the Reward amount will be applied every time the Threshold is met.
Fee Override
This Promotion Type will Reward the customer by applying either a promotional fixed selling price or discount percentage to an item that is specifically a Fee Product Item. Some examples may be shipping, delivery or installation fees. To specify a selling price for the Fee Product Item it should be entered in the Reward Value. Alternatively, a discount percentage can be entered in the Reward Rate with the appropriate Rounding Rule.
Item Set Threshold Types
All Item Set Promotions utilise the same form to define qualification Threshold.
There are 3 Threshold Types that can be used with Transaction Promotions:
Count: The number of items in the Item Set
Value: The value of all items in the Item Set
Points: The number of loyalty points earned in the Item Set
After selecting the Threshold Type from the dropdown, enter the desired Threshold Value in the provided field.
If the Promotion has been configured to “Alert Operator When Nearly Triggered” an additional Threshold field will be shown. This is labeled as the Alert Threshold and represents the condition that must be satisfied to trigger the alert.
Additional Threshold options exist for Item Sets that do not exist for Transaction Promotions. By selecting the Items Must Be Unique To Trigger option, permits the use of a specific product only once for qualification no matter how many times it appears in the transaction.
Using the Products, Brands, Product Groups and MM Groups tabs to create Include/Exclude lists for Item Sets was reviewed previously in this document. When creating an Item Set that is to include most products, it is also possible to set the Include Any Item In The Transaction option on the Threshold tab. Select this option moves all products into an ‘Include’ status and will remove the Include tabs from the Products, Brands, Product Groups and MM Groups tabs. It is still possible to specify Excludes on those tabs.
By default, a reward will trigger once after an Item Set Threshold is reached. In some cases, it may be desirable to have the reward continue to trigger for each additional item after the threshold has been met. Imagine a promotion where the customer receives a 10% discount when they buy 3 or more shirts. The discount would trigger after the 3rd shirt was scanned but if a fourth shirt was purchased no discount would be applied as the Item Set Threshold is now reset. By enabling the After Threshold Trigger On Each Item option, every shirt scanned after the 3rd shirt would also receive the 10% discount.
While it is possible to allow various Promotions and Rewards to Overlap as discussed earlier it is possible to prevent items from being used to satisfy thresholds in multiple Item Sets without disturbing the reward overlap. Selecting the Exclude Trigger Items from Other Item Sets option will prevent a single item from being used for qualification in multiple Item Sets.