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How to Configure Terminal Cashup and Empty


This document provides full description of the Cash Management & Empty Process in the Enactor Retail System from the Operational perspective. It describes its purpose, its foundations and the Cash Management Operations by which it is performed and recorded.

In the context of Cash Management Cash is monetary value in potentially diverse physical forms, each separately identified as Tenders, stored in Repositories such as the Cash Drawer of a POS Terminal, a Safe or a Cash Box maintained by a Cashier and individually tracked by Cash Management processing. Cash Management maintains the orderly conduct of transfer of Cash through the business from the point of origin via Repositories to the point at which Banking is done with accountability throughout. The Cash storage Repositories are identified in the Cash Management process as Session Owners.

Retail Transactions involve the transfer of cash into or out of the business and these transfers are tracked by Enactor Retail as Expected Totals. The management of physical cash into or out of Cash Repositories is conducted by the Operator.

All of the movement of Cash into, out of and between Repositories not involving Retail Transactions, or the management and accounting of Cash within them is conducted using Cash Management Operations. The details of each Cash Management Operation are recorded in a Cash Management Transaction. Cash Management (CM) Transactions record the transfer of cash throughout the business based on the CM Operations. A diverse range of Cash Management Operations is available in the Enactor Retail System. Not all of these Operations will be used by any given Retail Business but rather, a selection of those available chosen to accommodate a Cash Management Policy designed for suitability to the manner in which the Retail Business is conducted.

The Cash Management Operations of the Enactor Retail System are of two distinct categories: those that apply specifically to Safe Repositories and those that apply to all other types of Repositories (those that conduct Retail Transactions – _POS Terminals, Cashiers and Pay Points). Most of these Operations may be conducted either at the POS Terminal or in the Estate Manage. Depending on the Business Cash Management Policy some or all Cash Management Operations may be automated or conducted by operators as part of the Day Start/End cycle. All of the Cash Management Operations are also subject to Permissions, which are provided for in the Roles applied to the User Account to which the operator is Signed On. Some Permissions allow the operator to conduct operation directly others allow the operator to conduct operation only after

The purpose of this guide is to demonstrate the steps to configure the POS to support Terminal Cash Up & Empty with opening float.

This guide will focus on the POS configuration delivered from the Estate Manager.


The following steps are required to enable terminal cash up and empty with opening float:

  • Location – Setting the cash management methods and safes

  • Cash Management Session Owners – Creating the terminal sessions.

  • Menu – Adding cash up and empty, including opening float function

  • Role – Ensuring POS users have the appropriate privileges to carry out terminal cash up and empty with opening float functionality

  • Tenders – Enabling tenders for terminal cash up and empty with opening float

  • Reasons – Optional

  • Currency – Configuring denominations

Configuration Steps


Location determines a variety of aspects of software function. Location is applied by POS Software to select other configuration, such as the Currency, Pricing and Tax applied in transactions, Menus and Language used to conduct them and cash management functionality.

Each distinct Geographical or logical Location within the estate may be configured as a distinct and appropriate Location Type, affecting processing based on other, Location-related configuration.

Navigate to Location configuration using the Search or the path

Each of the store locations where you will be configuring the terminal cash management should be set as follows. This would normally be done using a location template linked to store location. The guide below will configure the store location but the configuration for store location template is similar.

The key tab in the Location configuration is Cash Management.

Set the appropriate values on the Cash Management tab as follows:

Cash Management method

Drop down selection to manage cash management by different methods – the key methods are

  • Terminal: is one to one relation between the terminal and the cash session, this is the method described in the document.

  • Pay Point: allows multiple terminals e.g. tablets to record their sales against a single shared cash session (cash drawer).

  • User: The user’s sales are recorded against its own user cash session.

Denomination Entry Method

Drop down selection to configure the entry method for the count, this configuration is used in other cash management event e.g. spot check and pick ups

  • Entry by value or quantity: The operator will be able to enter the count by quantity or value.

  • Entry by value: The operator will be able to enter the count value.

  • Entry by quantity: The operator will be able to enter the count by quantity

If entering by quantity the denominations for the currency will need to be configured

Perform Float Check After Sign On

If set, when a float has not been recorded in the new cash session the operator will be prompted to add a float at sign on, the operator can bypass the message and continue. The message will continue to prompt at sign on if the float has not been completed.

Auto Finalise Cashed Up Sessions

If set, it will auto finalise the session after the cash up has been completed with or without discrepancies in the count.

Maximum Cash Up Recounts

Set the maximum number of recounts before forcing the operator to accept the cashed-up count.

*if you wish for the terminal cash up and empty function to move the counted totals from the terminal cash session to the safe session, a configured safe is required against the store location.

The main fields on the Cash Management > Safe Tab are

EntryExample ValueDescription
Safe ID1Unique ID that is recorded in the transactions and displayed in the UI safe screens.
NameStore SafeSafe name.

This completes the location configuration.

Cash Management Session Owner

This section describes the configuration of Session Owners, which are the fundamental elements of the Cash Management model. Session Owners are named Cash Repositories, which may be Safes, Cash Drawers, POS Terminals or the person of responsibility for a User SignOn Account.

Navigate to Session Owners Configuration using the search or the path

The POS session configuration should automatically be created if the device has been directly configured on the EM, if the device has been imported into the enactor solution, you may need to create the terminal session owner configuration.

Select the create new session owner function in the bottom left hand corner.

EntryExample ValueDescription
LocationEnactor StoreLocation the terminal is linked to.
TypeTerminalSession owner type.
Owner NamePOS 1@ EnactorIf ‘Terminal’ Selected will provide a list of POS devices to link the terminal session to

Menus are constructed based on a set of basic tasks selected from a Menu Set, which is specific to an Application, associated with a Menu Group and Role, for access, and identified to the software by a Menu ID.

Navigate to Menu Configuration using the search or the path

The Terminal Cash Management Menu provides a list of configurable cash management events

The menu configuration required is as follows:

Menu SetSet to POS
RoleWhichever role your POS menus are assigned to. The example here is using a Role of POS Cash Management
Menu Groupwhichever Menu Group is configured for your POS Terminals. The example here is using a Menu Group of United Kingdom.
Localeappropriate Locale for your region. The example here is using English (UK)

Edit the terminal cash management menu. If one does not exist for your Role/Menu Group, then copy one from another Role/Menu Group.

There is availability for 8 button items on the menu, the last button item should be configured as a back button to exit the menu.

If the Terminal Cash up And Empty function and the open float function does not exist in the menu, highlight the Terminal Cash Management option add the functions.

Select Add > Add a new button.

The Terminal Cash up & Empty Button should be configured as follows:

Set the values on the General tab as follows:

EventSelect Cash up and Empty from the drop-down selection, some of the configurations in this list will pre-populate on selection of the event.
IDThe ID should be a unique ID of your choice
Button LabelConfigure a button label if you do not have an image URL configured.
Image URLNextGen1024x768/Admin/cashupandempty.png
PositionWhere you want the function to be displayed on the menu.

The Open Float Button should be configured as follows:

Set the values on the General tab as follows:

EventSelect Opening Float from the drop-down selection, some of the configurations in this list will pre-populate on selection of the event.
IDThe ID should be a unique ID of your choice
Button LabelConfigure a button label if you do not have an image URL configured.
Image URLNextGen1024x768/Admin/openingfloat.png
Visibility Expression


The function will be visible if the user has the enactor.terminalOpeningFloat.Run privilege assigned to their role.

PositionWhere you want the function to be displayed on the menu.

*The terminal cash management menu can be linked to the SALE or ADMIN menu by adding the following event Terminal Cash Management


The configuration interface used to specify User Roles facilitates the selection of required permissions by applying a discovery process to the Package resources of the Enactor Retail Software itself. Each Package essentially represents a cluster of related Software Functions defined in terms of the Processes it includes and the Functions available within each Process. Packages may be shared by applications. Named Privileges are associated with the individual Functions, which assert their requirement. The required Permissions implicitly correspond to these Privileges and provide the building blocks used to construct User Roles.

Navigate to Roles Configuration using the search or the path

Authorisation to run the specific functionality documented here are controlled with privileges maintained in roles.

Select the appropriate role you wish to edit, the example here is using CASHMAN_UK

Select the enactor POS package and configure the following privileges.

PackageFunction IDDescription
Enactor POSenactor.admin.RunThis function is only required if you link the terminal cash management menu function to the admin menu.
Enactor POSenactor.admin.terminalCashManagement.RunThis function is only required if you link the terminal cash management function to the admin menu.
Enactor POSenactor.terminalCashupAndEmpty.RunSet this to allow the operator to run the terminal cash up and empty function
Enactor POSenactor.cashManagement.CreateTerminalSessionIf no terminal cash session has been created, this will create the session, useful for new stores and first day trading.
Enactor POSenactor.terminalOpeningFloat.RunSet this to allow the operator to run the opening float functions

*Roles and the privileges they contain are assigned to users to be able to control the level of access they have to the applications.


Tenders configuration provides the means to enable and control the conduct of payment options. Tender options are offered in a Menu and are associated with a specific type of tendering Process, to which they provide a specific Tenders configuration, which controls the conduct of that Process.

Navigate to Tender Configuration using the search or the path

Edit the tenders that should be included in the terminal cash up and empty process, the example captured is using CASH_UK tender.

Set the values on the Cash Management tab as follows:

Float TenderSelect this option to include the tender in the float count
Cash up TenderSelect this option to include the tender in the cash up count
Auto Picked UpSelect this option if wish to have the tender included in the cash up and automatically counted e.g. gift cards, payment cards.
Enter by denominationSelect this option if you wish to have option to count the tender’s denomination, requires currency – denominations to be configured
Allow negative cash up valueOnly required for electronic payments e.g. cards, gift cards.
Terminal Discrepancy ThresholdPrompt to be recounted if the threshold is breached during the cash up


Reason configuration provides the means to capture and record Reasons for accessing specific functions. Reasons are pre-defined based on a Reason Type, which is known to and captured by a specific function of the application. Specific Authorisation requirements may be associated with individual Reasons and, subject to the Reason Type, a set of configuration options may be defined specifying properties requiring values according to each Reason Code defined.

Navigate to Reasons Configuration using the search or the path

Though it’s not a mandatory requirement to have reasons for the terminal cash up or terminal float, they can be created to add more granular behaviour to the functions.

The example here shows a reason already configured against the United Kingdom region and terminal cash up reason type.

Edit the existing reason or create a new reason using reason type terminal cash up and/or terminal float.

Add the description to the general tab and select the applicable tenders tab

Select the applicable tender to be able to control the selectable tenders overriding the configuration against the tender configuration.

If a reason is configured it will be included in the cash management transaction.


Currencies and their Currency Codes and Countries and their Country Codes, are defined as an ISO Standard and generally available built-in to Java as part of the Java Install (although may need to be maintained up-to-date post-install as an Administrative task).

Navigate to Currency Configuration using search or the path

If the specified tenders cash management option ‘enter by denomination’ is configured, the currency linked to the tender will require the configured denominations.

Select the country’s currency that requires the denominations to be configured, the example used here is GBP

Set the values on the General tab as follows:

Minimum Accepted DenominationFor my example this would be set to ‘1’ in other countries the minimum accepted might be a higher unit value
Minimum Currency DenominationFor my example this would be set to ‘1’ in other countries the minimum currency might be a higher unit value

Select the denomination tab

Set the values on the Denomination tab as follows:

TypeMultiple Of UnitDescriptionComment
CoinDenomination to unit value e.g. 50pence would 50Denomination descriptionAdd a coin type for each coin denomination
NoteDenomination to unit value e.g. £50 would 5000Denomination descriptionAdd a note type for each note denomination


To deliver the configuration changes to the POS, broadcast the following entities.

  • Location

  • Location Templates

  • Cash Management Session Owners

  • Menu

  • Roles

  • Tender

  • Reasons

  • Currencies

POS Functionality

Select the opening float function on the POS, if prompted select the float reason and press ok to continue, the operator has the option to void the function if they wish to exit and void the process.

Float Tender Screen Functions:

OKSelect Highlighted tender
NotesFree text notes field
VoidVoid Event
CompleteComplete Event

Enter by denomination

Enter by denomination functions:

OKSelect Highlighted denomination
UpMoves to next line up
DownMoves to next line down
Enter by Quantity/ValueAllows the user to enter the value by either quantity or value (default)
BackCompletes the function

Select the Terminal Cash Up & Empty function on the POS, if prompted select the reason and press ok to continue, the operator has the option to void the function if they wish to exit and void the process.

Cashing up Screen Functions:

OKSelect Highlighted tender
UpMoves to next line up
DownMoves to next line down
NotesFree text notes field
VoidVoid Event
CompleteComplete Event

If any there are discrepancies over the configured tender terminal threshold the POS will list the tenders with the discrepancy, no values will be shown.

Cash up Discrepancy Functions:

OKContinue and accept discrepancy
VoidsVoid Event
RecountRecount tenders