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How-to Guide - Rest API - Inbound & Outbound


The purpose of this guide is to provide an understanding of the REST Integrations APIs provided by Enactor for use with external websites and for customer integrations. It is separated out into functional areas, with each section related to a specific service. Note that the final URL used to access the service will be determined based on how the Enactor REST Integrations API is deployed.

Following are Enactor REST Integrations APIs areas covered in this document:

  • Integrations API

    • Configuration Import & Export

    • XML/JSON Retail Transaction Archive / Cash Transactions / System Events Export

    • Broadcasting

Configuration Import / Export API

This section provides an outline into the REST APIs pertaining to the import and export of Enactor configurations. Following is the list of APIs covered in this section:

  • Configuration Import.

  • Configuration Export.

Configuration Import REST API

This REST API can be used to import configuration files into the Estate Manager. File imports can be done either synchronously or asynchronously through this API. The asynchronous file import will be done using a scheduled job where a new scheduled job will be created, and its job reference will be returned as the response. The synchronous file import will return the number of records imported, as the response.


Request Service URL

POST /configuration/import/<filename>?async=true

Request Tokens

  • filename:
    String. The path the file should be saved inside the file repository.

Be mindful to use the correct extension since will determine the file import processor.

Request Parameters

  • async:
    Boolen. If true, file import will be done asynchronously; if false, file import will be done synchronously.
    Eg: async=true

Request Body

The body should be the Enactor configuration file as a stream.

Request Headers

ParameterAccepted valuesDescription
AuthorizationStringBase64 encoded userName:password with “Basic”
Ex: Basic aW5zdGFsbDppbnN0YWxs
  • Optional.

  • MD5 checksum of the file we are importing.

  • If specified, file’s checksum will be compared against the parameter value and reject the request if checksum fails.

  • If not specified, checksum verification will be skipped.

  • Optional.

  • Only applicable when importing User entities.

  • If specified, all the passwords of imported user entities will be set to this.

  • Optional.

  • Defaults to “RetailProcessServer”.

  • Optional.

  • Defaults to “RetailServerJobResults”.

  • Optional.

  • Defaults to “Enactor Web Retail Processing”.


Response Headers

There are no response headers.

Response Body

If the request is asynchronous, the response will be the scheduled job reference number as shown below:

"jobReference": 1

If the request is synchronous, the response will be the number of imported records as shown below.

"recordsImported": 10

Request & Response Examples


POST http://[SWARM_LEADER_IP]/WebRestApi/rest/configuration/user.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><retail:user xmlns:core="">
<retail:localeId variant="" country="NL">nl</retail:localeId>
<retail:regionId groupHierarchyId="All" groupTypeId="region">All</retail:regionId>
<retail:surname>Store Administrator Hertford</retail:surname>


"entityName": "user",
"acceptedCount": 1

Guide to Integrate

JavaScript (NodeJS) Example

const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const fs = require("fs");
const assert = require("assert").strict;

const BASE_URL = "{Enactor Rest API Base URL}/rest/configuration";

fetch(BASE_URL + "/import/", {
method: "post",
headers: {
Authorization: "Basic aW5zdGFsbDppbnN0YWxs",
"Content-Type": "application/zip",
"Content-MD5": "0b04633be98c35777f72f70d0edde41a",
"x-enactor-default-user-password": "new_pw",
body: fs.createReadStream(""),
.then((res) => assert.equal(res.status, 200))
.catch((err) => console.log(err.message));

Configuration Export REST API

This API provides the facility to export the Enactor configurations via REST. This will return a zip file as a byte stream. Since the zip file can be large it provides the facility of streaming the response. It will also make sure that the configuration file size is not more than 100 MB. If it exceeds 100 MB the request will fail.


Request Service URL

POST /configuration/export

Request Tokens

There are no request tokens.

Request Parameters

There are no request parameters.

Request Body

ElementRequired / OptionalDescription
entityQNamesRequiredThis will be an entity qName array including localPart and namespaceURI.
The localPart is the name of the entity that will be exported.
The namespaceURI is the namespace for the entity.
startDateOptionalThe date since when the entities have been changed.
endDateOptionalThe entities that have been created to date.

Request Headers

ParameterAccepted valuesDescription
AuthorizationStringBase64 encoded userName:password with “Basic”.
Ex: Basic aW5zdGFsbDppbnN0YWxs
Content-Typeapplication/jsonSending the request body as JSON.
Acceptapplication/octet-streamThe media types that the server can produce.
Optional and able to use the default value.


Response Headers

ParameterAccepted valuesDescription
Content-Typeapplication/zipThe content type of the zip file.
Content-LengthNumberThe size of the zip file in bytes.
Content-MD5StringMD5 checksum value of the zip file.
x-enactor-entity-countNumberThe total entity counts that is included in the zip file.

Request & Response Examples


POST http://[SWARM_LEADER_IP]/WebRestApi/rest/configuration/export
"entityQNames": ["user"],
"criteria": {
"filters": [
"@type": "TextValueFilter",
"id": "UserId",
"comparisonOperator": "STARTS_WITH",
"supportValues": [
"value": "000101"


This API will send the byte stream of the zip file containing all the configuration files as per the given request.

Guide to Integrate

Java Example


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import com.enactor.core.webService.epr.IHttpServiceEndpointReference.HTTPMethod;
import com.enactor.core.webService.epr.IRestEndpoint;
import com.enactor.core.webService.epr.RestEndpoint;

public class RestConfigServiceTest {

// The base URL of the configuration service
private static final String BASE_URL = "{Enactor Rest API Base URL}/rest/configuration";

public static void main(String[] args) throws RestServiceInvocationException {

// The request JSON as string
String request = "<request-body-as-above>";

// Initialize the REST service invoker
IRestServiceInvoker invoker = new DefaultRestServiceInvoker();
invoker.setMessageHandler(new RestRawMessageHandler());

// Create the REST endpoint
IRestEndpoint endpoint = new RestEndpoint();

// Assign the REST URL
endpoint.setUrl(BASE_URL + "/export");

// Define the HTTP method as POST

// Set header parameters
Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put("Content-Type", "application/json");
headers.put("Authorization", "Basic aW5zdGFsbDppbnN0YWxs");

Object responseObject = invoker.invoke(endpoint, request);

JavaScript (NodeJS) Example

const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const fs = require('fs');
const assert = require('assert').strict;

const BASE_URL = "{Enactor Rest API Base URL}/rest/configuration";

fetch(BASE_URL + '/export', {
method: 'post',
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Basic aW5zdGFsbDppbnN0YWxs',
'Content-Type', 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
entityQNames: [
}).then(res => assert.equal(res.status, 200))
.catch(err => console.log(err.message))

XML/JSON Retail Transaction Archive / Cash Transactions / System Events Export API

This section provides an outline into the REST APIs pertaining to the import and export of Retail Transaction Archive, Cash Transactions and System Events. Following is the list of APIs covered in this section:

  • Secondary Retail Transaction Export.

  • Secondary Retail Transaction Count.

  • Secondary CM Transactions Export.

  • Secondary CM Transactions Count.

  • Secondary System Events Export.

  • Secondary System Events Count.


Request Headers

ParameterAccepted valuesDescription

Base64 encoded userName:password with “Basic”.

Ex: Basic aW5zdGFsbDppbnN0YWxs

Content-Typeapplication/jsonSending the request body as JSON.

Request Body

This API will send the byte stream of the zip file containing all the configuration files as per the given request.

Response Header

ParameterAccepted valuesDescription
Content-Typeapplication/zipThe content type of the zip file.
Content-LengthNumberThe size of the zip file in bytes.
Content-MD5StringMD5 checksum value of the zip file.
x-enactor-entity-countNumberThe total entity counts that is included in the zip file.

Response Codes

Status CodeStatusDescription
200SuccessThe request is successful and will send the zip fie as a byte stream.
400Bad RequestThe request has incorrect request parameters which are not acceptable.
500Server ErrorUnexpected error occurred while processing the request.

Configuration Transaction Export REST API

This API provides the facility to export and count Secondary Retail Transactions, Secondary CM Transactions and Secondary System Events via REST. Export will return a zip file as a byte stream or all transactions via a single file. It will also make sure that the configuration file size is not more than 100 MB. If it exceeds 100 MB the request will fail.

Secondary Retail Transaction Export

This service allows to export the secondary retail transactions based on the filters that are set in the body of the request.


Request Service URL

POST /retailTransactions/export

Request Tokens

There are no request tokens.

Request Parameters

There are no request parameters.

Request Body

ElementRequired / OptionalDescription
fromDateRequiredDate from which transactions need to be exported or counted (UTC).
toDateRequiredDate to which transactions need to be exported or counted (UTC).
fileFormatRequiredThis can be XML or JSON.

If true - All the transactions will be exported as a zip file.

If false - All the transaction will be exported as a single file.

Request Headers

ParameterAccepted valuesDescription

Base64 encoded userName:password with “Basic”.

Ex: Basic aW5zdGFsbDppbnN0YWxs

Content-Typeapplication/jsonSending the request body as JSON.


Response Headers

ParameterAccepted valuesDescription
Content-Typeapplication/zipThe content type of the zip file.
Content-LengthNumberThe size of the zip file in bytes.
Content-MD5StringMD5 checksum value of the zip file.
x-enactor-entity-countNumberThe total entity counts that is included in the zip file.

Response Body

This API will send the byte stream of the zip file containing all the configuration files as per the given request.

Request & Response Examples


POST http://[SWARM_LEADER_IP]/WebRestApi/rest/retailTransactions/export
"fromDate": "2024-01-01T13:45:30",
"toDate": "2024-01-07T13:45:30",
"fileFormat": "XML",
"compress": "true"


This API will send the byte stream of the zip file containing all the configuration files as per the given request.

Secondary Retail Transaction Count

This service allows to get the count of the secondary retail transactions based on the filters that are set in the body of the request.


Request Service URL

POST /retailTransactions/count

Request Tokens

There are no request tokens.

Request Parameters

There are no request parameters.

Request Body

ElementRequired / OptionalDescription
fromDateRequiredDate from which transactions need to be exported or counted (UTC).
toDateRequiredDate to which transactions need to be exported or counted (UTC).

Request Headers

ParameterAccepted valuesDescription

Base64 encoded userName:password with “Basic”.

Ex: Basic aW5zdGFsbDppbnN0YWxs

Content-Typeapplication/jsonSending the request body as JSON.


Response Headers

ParameterAccepted valuesDescription
Content-Typeapplication/zipThe content type of the zip file.
Content-LengthNumberThe size of the zip file in bytes.
Content-MD5StringMD5 checksum value of the zip file.
x-enactor-entity-countNumberThe total entity counts that is included in the zip file.

Response Body

This API will send the byte stream of the zip file containing all the configuration files as per the given request.

Request & Response Examples


POST http://[SWARM_LEADER_IP]/WebRestApi/rest/retailTransactions/count
"fromDate": "2024-01-01T13:45:30",
"toDate": "2024-01-07T13:45:30"


"count": 17534

Secondary CM Transactions Export

This service allows to export the secondary cash management transactions based on the filters that are set in the body of the request.


Request Service URL

POST /cMTransactions/export

Request Tokens

There are no request tokens.

Request Parameters

There are no request parameters.

Request Body

ElementRequired / OptionalDescription
fromDateRequiredDate from which transactions need to be exported or counted (UTC).
toDateRequiredDate to which transactions need to be exported or counted (UTC).
fileFormatRequiredThis can be XML or JSON.

If true - All the transactions will be exported as a zip file.

If false - All the transaction will be exported as a single file.

Request Headers

ParameterAccepted valuesDescription

Base64 encoded userName:password with “Basic”.

Ex: Basic aW5zdGFsbDppbnN0YWxs

Content-Typeapplication/jsonSending the request body as JSON.


Response Headers

ParameterAccepted valuesDescription
Content-Typeapplication/zipThe content type of the zip file.
Content-LengthNumberThe size of the zip file in bytes.
Content-MD5StringMD5 checksum value of the zip file.
x-enactor-entity-countNumberThe total entity counts that is included in the zip file.

Response Body

This API will send the byte stream of the zip file containing all the configuration files as per the given request.

Request & Response Examples


POST http://[SWARM_LEADER_IP]/WebRestApi/rest/cMTransactions/export
"fromDate": "2024-01-01T13:45:30",
"toDate": "2024-01-07T13:45:30",
"fileFormat": "XML",
"compress": "true"


This API will send the byte stream of the zip file containing all the configuration files as per the given request.

Secondary CM Transaction Count

This service allows to get the count of the secondary cash management transactions based on the filters that are set in the body of the request.


Request Service URL

POST /cMTransactions/count

Request Tokens

There are no request tokens.

Request Parameters

There are no request parameters.

Request Body

ElementRequired / OptionalDescription
fromDateRequiredDate from which transactions need to be exported or counted (UTC).
toDateRequiredDate to which transactions need to be exported or counted (UTC).

Request Headers

ParameterAccepted valuesDescription

Base64 encoded userName:password with “Basic”.

Ex: Basic aW5zdGFsbDppbnN0YWxs

Content-Typeapplication/jsonSending the request body as JSON.


Response Headers

ParameterAccepted valuesDescription
Content-Typeapplication/zipThe content type of the zip file.
Content-LengthNumberThe size of the zip file in bytes.
Content-MD5StringMD5 checksum value of the zip file.
x-enactor-entity-countNumberThe total entity counts that is included in the zip file.

Response Body

This API will send the byte stream of the zip file containing all the configuration files as per the given request.

Request & Response Examples


POST http://[SWARM_LEADER_IP]/WebRestApi/rest/cMTransactions/count
"fromDate": "2024-01-01T13:45:30",
"toDate": "2024-01-07T13:45:30"


"count": 2735

Secondary System Events Export

This service allows to export the secondary system events based on the filters that are set in the body of the request.


Request Service URL

POST /systemEvents/export

Request Tokens

There are no request tokens.

Request Parameters

There are no request parameters.

Request Body

ElementRequired / OptionalDescription
fromDateRequiredDate from which transactions need to be exported or counted (UTC).
toDateRequiredDate to which transactions need to be exported or counted (UTC).
fileFormatRequiredThis can be XML or JSON.

If true - All the transactions will be exported as a zip file.

If false - All the transaction will be exported as a single file.

Request Headers

ParameterAccepted valuesDescription

Base64 encoded userName:password with “Basic”.

Ex: Basic aW5zdGFsbDppbnN0YWxs

Content-Typeapplication/jsonSending the request body as JSON.


Response Headers

ParameterAccepted valuesDescription
Content-Typeapplication/zipThe content type of the zip file.
Content-LengthNumberThe size of the zip file in bytes.
Content-MD5StringMD5 checksum value of the zip file.
x-enactor-entity-countNumberThe total entity counts that is included in the zip file.

Response Body

This API will send the byte stream of the zip file containing all the configuration files as per the given request.

Request & Response Examples


POST http://[SWARM_LEADER_IP]/WebRestApi/rest/systemEvents/export
"fromDate": "2024-01-01T13:45:30",
"toDate": "2024-01-07T13:45:30",
"fileFormat": "XML",
"compress": "true"


This API will send the byte stream of the zip file containing all the configuration files as per the given request.

Secondary System Events Count

This service allows to get the count of the secondary system events based on the filters that are set in the body of the request.


Request Service URL

POST /systemEvents/count

Request Tokens

There are no request tokens.

Request Parameters

There are no request parameters.

Request Body

ElementRequired / OptionalDescription
fromDateRequiredDate from which transactions need to be exported or counted (UTC).
toDateRequiredDate to which transactions need to be exported or counted (UTC).

Request Headers

ParameterAccepted valuesDescription

Base64 encoded userName:password with “Basic”.

Ex: Basic aW5zdGFsbDppbnN0YWxs

Content-Typeapplication/jsonSending the request body as JSON.


Response Headers

ParameterAccepted valuesDescription
Content-Typeapplication/zipThe content type of the zip file.
Content-LengthNumberThe size of the zip file in bytes.
Content-MD5StringMD5 checksum value of the zip file.
x-enactor-entity-countNumberThe total entity counts that is included in the zip file.

Response Body

This API will send the byte stream of the zip file containing all the configuration files as per the given request.

Request & Response Examples


POST http://[SWARM_LEADER_IP]/WebRestApi/rest/systemEvents/count
"fromDate": "2024-01-01T13:45:30",
"toDate": "2024-01-07T13:45:30"


"count": 84735

Broadcast API

The Broadcast API is used to get the status of a broadcast and get broadcast status of a specific device. Following is the list of Broadcast APIs covered in this section:

  • Get Broadcast Status.

  • Get Broadcast Status of a Device.

Authentication Requirements for REST Broadcast API

Basic Authentication is required. The Username and Password of the Estate Manager user should be sent in the request as the authorization header.

All the privileges required to run the Broadcast functionality in EM should be given to this authorization user.

Get Broadcast Status

This service is used to get the status of a broadcast from the Broadcast ID.


Request Service URL

GET /broadcast/{ broadcastId}

Request Tokens

  • broadcastId:
    Required. The ID of the broadcast to get the status of.

Request Parameters

There are no request parameters.

Request Header

Basic authentication required. See above “Authentication Requirements for REST Broadcast API” section for more details.

Content type - JSON.

Request Body

There is no request body.


Response Headers

There are no response headers.

Response Body

format: int32
The ID of the broadcast that has been triggered.
predefinedBroadcastIdStringThe Predefined Broadcast ID of the broadcast.
format: date-time
The date time of the broadcast.
format: date-time
The last updated date time.
statusString Enum

One of the following is provided as the status value:















Request & Response Examples


GET http://[SWARM_LEADER_IP]/WebRestApi/rest/broadcast/4d02cd30-5f4d-4617-9bad-5d2c42712a2f


Status: 200 OK
"itemsAffected": 9,
"predefinedBroadcastId": "LOCATION",
"dateTimeBroadcast": 1628514037684,
"lastUpdated": 1628514070000,

Get Broadcast Status of a Device

This service is used to get the status of a broadcast from the Broadcast ID and Device ID.


Request Service URL

GET /broadcast/{broadcastId}/{deviceId}

Request Tokens

  • broadcastId:
    Required. The ID of the broadcast to get the status of.

Request Parameters

There are no request parameters.

Request Header

Basic authentication required. See above “Authentication Requirements for REST Broadcast API” section for more details.

Content type - JSON.

Request Body

There is no request body.


Response Headers

There are no response headers.

Response Body

format: int32
The ID of the broadcast that has been triggered.
format: date-time
The last updated date time.
format: int32

The status of the broadcast where each integer is described as follows -
1 – STATUS_PENDING: Broadcast is pending and download has not begun.

2 – STATUS_PROCESSED: Processed successfully.

3 – STATUS_FAILED: Failed requires further investigation.

4 – STATUS_RETRY: Attempting to process the update again.

5 – STATUS_SCHEDULED: Scheduled download not to be processed until late date/time.

6 – STATUS_DOWNLOADED: downloaded but not processed.

7 – STATUS_RETRY_DOWNLOADED: Attempting to download the update again.

Request & Response Examples


GET http://[SWARM_LEADER_IP]/WebRestApi/rest/broadcast/4d02cd30-5f4d-4617-9bad-5d2c42712a2f/pos1@0001.enactor


Status: 200 OK
"itemsAffected": 0,
"lastUpdated": 1628658383000,
"status": 2