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How-to Guide - Rest API - Products


The purpose of this guide is to provide an understanding of the REST Products APIs provided by Enactor for use with external Web Sites and for Customer integration. It is separated out into functional areas, with each section related to a specific service. Note that the final URL used to access the service will be determined based on how the Enactor REST Products API is deployed.

Following are Enactor REST Products APIs areas covered in this document:

  • Product Catalogue API

  • External Product API

Product Catalog API

Get Product Details

This service when given a product ID will return details about that product, including descriptions, sizes, stock levels and prices. This will return a new entity 'IProductDetail' which includes all the details requested.

To support location-based pricing, it is possible to include the location ID in the request, e.g. /products/500100?locationId=0001

Adding the location ID means the service will calculate and return the price effective at that location (based on location and/or group-level price data).


Request Service URL

GET /products/{productId}

Request Tokens

  • productId: The ID of the product to retrieve details of.

Request Parameters

  • retrieveSkuProducts: Boolean. If true, the related sku products will be returned - Defaults to false. Eg: retrieveSkuProducts=true

  • locationId: Boolean. If true, the service will calculate and return the price effective at that location (based on location and/or group-level price data). Eg: locationId=true

Request Body

There is no request body.


Response Headers

There are no response headers.

Response Body


productDetailsIProductDetailThe details of the specified product.

Request & Response Examples


GET: http://[SWARM_LEADER_IP]/WebRestApi/rest/products/500100


Status: 200 OK
"productDetail": {
"description": "JVC LT-40CA890 Android TV 40\" ",
"longDescription": "JVC LT-40CA890 Android TV 40\" Smart 4K Ultra HD HDR LED TV",
"price": 29900,
"productId": "500100",
"productMediaSet": {
"productId": "500100",
"productMediaSetItems": [
"productMediaId": "l_500100_002",
"mediaType": "LARGE",
"mediaURL": "image://PRODUCT/l_500100_002.jpg"
"productMediaId": "l_500100_003",
"mediaType": "LARGE",
"mediaURL": "image://PRODUCT/l_500100_003.jpg"
"productMediaId": "l_500100_005",
"mediaType": "LARGE",
"mediaURL": "image://PRODUCT/l_500100_005.jpg"
"productMediaId": "l_500100",
"mediaType": "MAIN_LARGE",
"mediaURL": "image://PRODUCT/u_500100.jpg"
"productMediaId": "m_500100",
"mediaType": "MAIN_THUMB",
"mediaURL": "image://PRODUCT/m_500100.jpg"
"productMediaId": "m_500100_002",
"mediaType": "THUMB",
"mediaURL": "image://PRODUCT/m_500100_002.jpg"
"productMediaId": "m_500100_003",
"mediaType": "THUMB",
"mediaURL": "image://PRODUCT/m_500100_002.jpg"
"productMediaId": "m_500100_005",
"mediaType": "THUMB",
"mediaURL": "image://PRODUCT/m_500100_005.jpg"
"productExtendedInformation": {
"productId": "500100",
"informationText": "* Picture quality: 50 Hz\n* HDR: HDR10\n* Catch-up TV & 4K streaming\n* Freeview HD with Freeview Play\n* HDMI 2.0b x 4"
"productImageURL": "image://PRODUCT/u_500100.jpg",
"mmGroupKey": {
"groupTypeId": "mmGroup",
"groupHierarchyId": "RETAIL",
"variantGroupTypeId": "region",
"variantGroupId": "All",
"variantGroupHierarchyId": "All",
"groupId": "TV",
"id": "TV"
"type": "merchandiseProduct",
"status": "LIVE",
"mMGroup": {
"allowPriceEntry": false,
"concession": false,
"forceMessageAcknowledgement": false,
"operatorMessage": {},
"quantityEntry": false,
"receiptMessage": {},
"fasciaId": {
"groupTypeId": "fascia"
"groupId": "TV",
"groupTypeId": "mmGroup",
"groupHierarchyId": "RETAIL",
"level": 3,
"level1GroupId": "RETAIL",
"level2GroupId": "ELECTRONICS",
"level3GroupId": "TV",
"localisedName": {
"string": [
"country": "GB",
"language": "en",
"string": "Televisions"
"variantGroupId": "All",
"variantGroupTypeId": "region",
"variantGroupHierarchyId": "All",
"variantLevel": 1,
"lastUpdated": 1703180395003,
"name": "Televisions"

Search the Product Catalogue (Solr)

This service provides the ability to list products by passing in a Solr query as a parameter. The service responds with a SearchProductCatalogueResponse which includes and contains a list of ProductDetails, facet field counts and the count of results found.


Request Service URL

GET /products?q={solr_query}

Request Tokens

  • solr_query: String. The Solr query that is to be run for searching the product catalogue.

Request Parameters

There are no request parameters.

Request Body

There is no request body.


Response Headers

There are no response headers.

Response Body


productDetailsList<IProductDetail>The list of products along with their details.
countLongThe number of results found.

Request & Response Examples




Status: 200 OK

"productDetails": [
"description": "JVC LT-40CA890 Android TV 40\"",
"longDescription": "JVC LT-40CA890 Android TV 40\" Smart 4K Ultra HD HDR LED TV",
"productId": "500100",
"productImageURL": "image://PRODUCT/u_500100.jpg",
"mmGroupKey": {
"groupHierarchyId": "RETAIL",
"groupId": "TV",
"id": "TV"
"type": "merchandiseProduct",
"status": "LIVE"
"description": "JVC LT-40CA890 Android TV 40\" HJ",
"longDescription": "JVC LT-40CA890 Android TV 40\" Smart 4K Ultra HD HDR LED TV",
"productId": "500100HJ",
"productImageURL": "image://PRODUCT/u_500100.jpg",
"mmGroupKey": {
"groupHierarchyId": "RETAIL",
"groupId": "HADHI",
"id": "HADHI"
"type": "merchandiseProduct",
"status": "LIVE"
"description": "JVC LT-55CF890 Fire TV Edition with Price Prompt",
"longDescription": "JVC LT-55CF890 Fire TV Edition 55\" Smart 4K Ultra HD HDR LED TV with Amazon Alexa",
"productId": "500101HJ",
"productImageURL": "image://PRODUCT/u_500101.jpg",
"mmGroupKey": {
"groupHierarchyId": "RETAIL",
"groupId": "TV",
"id": "TV"
"type": "merchandiseProduct",
"status": "LIVE"
"description": "JVC LT-55CF890 Fire TV Edition",
"longDescription": "JVC LT-55CF890 Fire TV Edition 55\" Smart 4K Ultra HD HDR LED TV with Amazon Alexa",
"productId": "500101",
"productImageURL": "image://PRODUCT/u_500101.jpg",
"mmGroupKey": {
"groupHierarchyId": "RETAIL",
"groupId": "TV",
"id": "TV"
"type": "merchandiseProduct",
"status": "LIVE"
"description": "SAMSUNG UE50TU7020KXXU 50\"",
"longDescription": "SAMSUNG UE50TU7020KXXU 50\" Smart 4K Ultra HD HDR LED TV",
"productId": "500102",
"productImageURL": "image://PRODUCT/u_500102.jpg",
"mmGroupKey": {
"groupHierarchyId": "RETAIL",
"groupId": "TV",
"id": "TV"
"type": "merchandiseProduct",
"status": "LIVE"
"count": 7

Search the Product Catalogue

This service provides the ability to list products with a variety of selection criteria. The service will return ISearchProductCatalogueResponse, which contains a list of ProductDetails. When brief query parameter is set to true, the service will return ISearchProductCatalogueBriefResponse with a list of the matching product IDs and descriptions.

The pageSize and pageOffset fields can be used to control how many matches are returned. Note that the service will not support a pageSize greater than 100. Unless otherwise stated any request criterion that are not supplied should not restrict the returned results. For example, if minPrice is not supplied but maxPrice is, then all products with a price below or equal to the maxPrice should be returned.


Request Service URL

POST /products

Request Tokens

There are no request tokens.

Request Parameters

  • brief: Boolean. If truem the service will only return a list of product IDs and descriptions - Defaults to false. Eg: brief=true

Request Body


ElementRequired / OptionalTypeDescription
searchLocationIdRequiredStringLocation for which the product search is to be requested.
descriptionOptionalStringMatch on the product description.
descriptionFuzzyOptionalBooleanIf true the description should be a fuzzy match, otherwise it should be a simple 'contains' match - Defaults to true.
minPriceOptionalLongMatch on products which have a price greater than or equal to this value.
maxPriceOptionalLongMatch on products which have a price less than or equal to this value.
colourOptionalStringMatch on products which have this colour.
styleOptionalStringMatch on products which have this style.
sizeOptionalStringMatch on products which have this size.
mmgOptionalStringMatch on products which are part of this MMG, or are in an MMG which is a decendent of this MMG.
inStockOptionalBooleanIf true, only match products which are in-stock. If false, return products which are in or out-of-stock - Defaults to false.
pageSizeOptionalIntegerThe maximum number of matches to return on a single page - Defaults to 20, limited to 100.
pageOffsetOptionalIntegerThe offset of the first match to return - Defaults to 0.


Response Headers

There are no response headers.

Response Body


productDetailsList<IProductDetail>The list of products along with their details.
countLongThe number of results found.

Request & Response Examples


POST http://[SWARM_LEADER_IP]/WebRestApi/rest/products
"@entity": "retail:searchProductCatalogueRequest",
"excludePriceRange": false,
"includedProductTypes": [],
"orIdAndDescription": false,
"description": "TV",
"searchLocationId": "0001"


Status: 200 OK XXX
"productDetails": [
"description": "JVC LT-40CA890 Android TV 40\"",
"longDescription": "JVC LT-40CA890 Android TV 40\" Smart 4K Ultra HD HDR LED TV",
"price": 0,
"productId": "500100",
"productImageURL": "image://PRODUCT/u_500100.jpg"
"description": "JVC LT-40CA890 Android TV 40\" HJ",
"longDescription": "JVC LT-40CA890 Android TV 40\" Smart 4K Ultra HD HDR LED TV",
"price": 0,
"productId": "500100HJ",
"productImageURL": "image://PRODUCT/u_500100.jpg"
"description": "JVC LT-55CF890 Fire TV Edition",
"longDescription": "JVC LT-55CF890 Fire TV Edition 55\" Smart 4K Ultra HD HDR LED TV with Amazon Alexa",
"price": 0,
"productId": "500101",
"productImageURL": "image://PRODUCT/u_500101.jpg"
"description": "JVC LT-55CF890 Fire TV Edition with Price Prompt",
"longDescription": "JVC LT-55CF890 Fire TV Edition 55\" Smart 4K Ultra HD HDR LED TV with Amazon Alexa",
"price": 0,
"productId": "500101HJ",
"productImageURL": "image://PRODUCT/u_500101.jpg"

Get Product Attributes

The Product Attributes API provides the ability to retrieve product attributes for a given product. The service also provides the ability to provide pagination details to limit and offset the list of product attributes.


Request Service URL

GET /products/{productId}/attributes

Request Tokens

  • productId: The ID of the product to retrieve details of.

Request Parameters

  • limit: Integer. This will limit the number of product attributes to return. Eg: limit=20

  • offset: Integer. This will specify the number of rows to skip before starting to return the product attributes. Eg: offset=5

Request Body

There is no request body.


Response Headers

There are no response headers.

Response Body

There is no response body.

Request & Response Examples




Status: 200 OK

"productId": "500100",
"pagination": {
"@type": "offsetPagination",
"offset": 0,
"limit": 100,
"resultCount": 2
"values": {
"brand_option_path": "SAMSUNG",
"stars_option_path": "5.0"

External Product API

The External Product API provides the ability to retrieve specific details about a product that are external to the current system. This data is not considered sensitive; therefore, the access Token is not required. Following is the list of External Product APIs covered in this section:

  • Get the Product.

  • Get the Product Price.

Get the Product

This service behaves equivalently to the product lookup done locally by a POS. The service needs to send more than just the product ID, so it can also simulate the transaction held by the client. It is also why the service sends back the full product, since the POS will use that in functions that follow the product lookup.

The product details are equivalent to the details returned by the product catalogue service. They are included for completeness, but this service does not guarantee that it will have all the information that can be provided by the Product Catalogue service.


Request Service URL

POST /products/lookup

Request Tokens

There are no request tokens.

Request Parameters

There are no request parameters.

Request Body


productCodeStringThe code entered for the product.
productCodeScannedStringA product code scanned.
embeddedProductCodeStringA product code extracted from an embedded product price.
locationIdStringThe ID of the location requesting the details
deviceIdStringThe ID of the device that is requesting the details.
customerRetailDetailscustomerRetailDetailsThe transaction details about the customer.
flightDetailsItemflightDetailsItemTransaction details about a flight. Only relevant for airport sales.


Response Headers

There are no response headers.

Response Body


productIProductThe product that was requested.
productDetailsIProductDetailThe details of the requested product.

Request & Response Examples


POST http://[SWARM_LEADER_IP]/WebRestApi/rest/products/lookup
"productCode": "EXTERNAL1",
"locationId": "Store1",
"deviceId": "pos1.store1.enactor",
"terminalId": "pos1.store1.enactor",
"transactionEntityQName": "{}normalRetailSaleTransaction",
"customerRetailDetails": {
"@type": "customerRetailDetails",
"validatedOnline": false,
"newCustomer": false,
"marketingDetailsCaptured": false


Status: 200 OK
"productDetail": {
"description": "External Product 1",
"price": 0,
"productId": "EXTERNAL1",
"productMediaSet": {
"productId": "EXTERNAL1"
"productExtendedInformation": {
"productId": "EXTERNAL1"
"product": {
"productId": "EXTERNAL1",
"type": "merchandiseProduct",
"productDescription": {
"string": [
"string": "External Product 1"
"productLongDescription": {},
"localisedProductInfo": {},
"posDetails": {
"productOptionSetDetails": {
"isTemplate": false
"isTemplate": false
"isTemplate": false,
"status": "LIVE",
"lastUpdated": 1624962225551,
"taxExemptProhibited": false,
"exportDetails": {
"isTemplate": false
"inventoryDetails": {
"allowCustomerOrder": false,
"customerOrderOnly": false,
"isTemplate": false
"productDimensions": {
"isTemplate": false
"warrantyDetails": {
"localisedWarrantyInformation": {},
"isTemplate": false
"standardCostPrice": 0.0,
"standardMargin": 0.0,
"fasciaId": {},
"mmGroupId": {},
"brandId": {},
"rangeId": {},
"seasonId": {}

Get the Product Price

This service behaves equivalently to the price lookup done locally by a POS. The service needs to send more than just the product ID, so it can also simulate the transaction held by the client. It is also why the service sends back the full product, since the POS will use that in functions that follow the product lookup.

The product and the price lookups are handled separately by the POS, which is why they are provided as separate services.


Request Service URL

POST /products/price/lookup

Request Tokens

There are no request tokens.

Request Parameters

There are no request parameters.

Request Body


productIdStringThe ID of the product to lookup the price for.
locationIdStringThe ID of the location that is requesting the details.
deviceIdStringThe ID of the device that is requesting the details.
customerRetailDetailscustomerRetailDetailsThe transaction details about the customer.
flightDetailsItemflightDetailsItemThe transaction details about the flight. Only relevant for airport sales.


Response Headers

There are no response headers.

Response Body


priceLongThe value of the product’s price.
productPriceIProductPriceThe price details of the specified product.

Request & Response Examples


POST http://[SWARM_LEADER_IP]/WebRestApi/rest/products/price/lookup
"productId" : "EXTERNAL1",
"priceType" : "R",
"locationId" : "Store1",
"deviceId" : "pos1.store1.enactor",
"terminalId" : "pos1.store1.enactor",
"transactionEntityQName" : "{}normalRetailSaleTransaction"
"customerRetailDetails" : {
"@type" : "customerRetailDetails",
"validatedOnline" : false,
"newCustomer" : false,
"marketingDetailsCaptured" : false


Status: 200 OK
"price": 1000,
"productPrice": {
"productId": "EXTERNAL1",
"locationId": {},
"priceGroupId": {
"groupTypeId": "priceGroup",
"groupHierarchyId": "ALL",
"variantGroupTypeId": "region",
"variantGroupId": "All",
"variantGroupHierarchyId": "All",
"id": "UK"
"currencyId": {
"id": "GBP"
"startDate": 1624921200000,
"priceType": "R",
"price": 1000,
"roundingRuleId": {}