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This section describes the properties available for individual elements in the business process. The properties will vary according to the type of element.


Activity IDThe ID for this activityActionActivity-1
Activity TypeThe type of activity for this element, selected from a drop down list.InventoryManagement/ProductSelectionActivityType
ConditionThe condition for this activity.#{requestConfirmation}
Default OutcomesIf an Activity does not handle an outcome, then an appropriately named outcome can be configured on the Business Process to control what happens as a result of the outcome. This can be useful where there are many Activities that all generate the same outcome and they are all handled in the same manner.-
DescriptionThe description for this activity.Request Stock From Location
Error OutcomeIf an Activity raises an outcome that has not been handled, the User can specify which Activity should be run next by setting a 'Catch All' outcome on the Business Process itself. This can also be used to trap errors.-
NameThe name for this activity.Request Stock From Location
Outcome TypeThe type of outcome this is, i.e.
- Suspend - If followed, the task will not complete but will remain available in the users task list.
- Execute - If followed the task will create a new business process instance, starting with the target of the link.
- Link - A normal link.
- Reference - A documentation link, the link is not processed by the business process engine.
OutcomesThe list of outcome(s) this activity will generate. Selected from a drop down list, i.e. Outcome, Suspend Link, Internal LinkSuccess
ParametersThe parameters for this activity. This is done via a pop-up window with the following fields:
- Name - name of the parameter, e.g. enactor.inventoryManagement.SendingOrRequesting.
- Type - type of the parameter, e.g. java.lang.String.
- Value - value of the parameter, e.g. REQUESTING.
Process IDThe ID for this business process.InventoryManagement/RequestStockFromLocation
Process Immediately?If true, and the activity connected by the link is to be processed by the same user, then the following screen will immediately appear to the user – rather than them having to go via their task list. It is selected from a drop down list, i.e. True of False.TRUE
Process TypeThe Business Process Type for this Business Process.InventoryManagement/RequestStockFromLocationType
To Activity IDThe target of this link, selected from a drop down list.ProductLocationSelection

Meta Data

InputsThe list of inputs this business process or activity expects. This is done via a pop-up window with the following fields:
- Name - name of the input, e.g. enactor.mfc.UserKey.
- Type - type of the input, e.g. com.enactor.mfc.user.IUserKey.
- Required - whether the input is required, i.e. set/not set.
OutputsThe list outputs this business process or activity produces. This is done via a pop-up window with the following fields:
- Name - name of the output, e.g. enactor.inventoryManagement.SelectedLocationId.
- Type - type of the output, e.g. java.lang.String.
- Required - whether the output is required, i.e. set/not set.
State DataThe list of state data this business process maintains. This is done via a pop-up window with the following fields:
- Name - name of the output, e.g. enactor.mfc.UserKey.
- Type - type of the output, e.g. com.enactor.mfc.user.IUserKey.
- Required - whether the output is required, i.e. set/not set.


Administer PrivilegeA privilege a user must have to be able to administer this business process, selected from a drop down list.-
Participate PrivilegeA privilege a user must have to be able to perform tasks within this business process, selected from a drop down list.REQUEST_STOCK
Start PrivilegeA privilege a user must have to be able to start this business process, selected from a drop down list.REQUEST_STOCK

Activity Type

Applicable People GroupsThe list of people groups that are displayed in the drop-down within the activity.[{}SimpleUserEvaluator]
Applicable Process IDThe list of business processes this activity type can be used within by default.InventoryManagement/ProductSelection/ProductSelection
Implementation TypeThe type of activity this is.Human Task
Task NameThe entity name of the task that fulfills this activity type.[{}SimpleGenericTask]

Human Task

Display DescriptionText that is displayed as the description for this human task.-
Display Description Message BaseThe message base to use when resolving the message ID for the display description.-
Display Description Message IDThe message ID to use for resolving the display description.-
Display TitleThe title for the human task.-
Display Title Message BaseThe message base to use when resolving the message ID for the title.-
Display Title Message IDThe message ID to use for resolving the title.-
Job DescriptionThe description for this job.Approve or reject the affiliation request
Job HeaderThe header for this job when viewed from the task list.Select Products
Job TypeThe type for this job. Task list shows 'JobType – JobHeader' format.Request Stock From Location
People Group EvaluatorThe people group evaluator to use to work out who to assign this task to.[{}SimpleUserEvaluator]
People Group Evaluator ParametersData that can be supplied to the people group evaluator. This is done via a pop-up window with the following fields:
-Name - name of the people group evaluator parameter, e.g. xxx.
-Type - type of the people group evaluator parameter, e.g. xxx.
-Value - value of the people group evaluator parameter, e.g. xxx
PriorityThe task priority. High(1-3), Normal (4-7), Low(8-10)5
Timeout DurationA timeout (in seconds) after which the business process will raise a timeout outcome if the user does not process the task.P0Y0M2DT0H0M

Swim Lane

DescriptionDescription of the swim lane.-
NameName of the swim lane.Sending Store

End Process

Discard HistoryIf set to true, then when the business process completes, its history will be purged. It is selected from a drop down list, i.e. True or False.FALSE