This section describes the properties available for individual elements in the page definition. The properties will vary according to the type of element.
Effective Constraint
Property | Description | Example |
Constraint Source | The location that is providing the constraint for this element. | TEMPLATE_CONSTRAINT |
Constraint Type | The type of constraint for this element, i.e. - Bounds - The element is being position absolutely. - Flow - The element is flowing. - None - The element has no position constraint. | BOUNDS |
height | The height of the element in pixels. | 63 |
width | The width of the element in pixels. | 281 |
x | The x location of the element in pixels, relative to its parent element. | 445 |
y | The y location of the element in pixels, relative to its parent element. | 184 |
Element Constraint
Property | Description | Example |
Constraint Type | The type of constraint to apply to the element, i.e. Bounds - The element should be absolutely positioned. Flow - The element should flow. None - No constraint for the element should be supplied here (although a constraint may be inferred from somewhere else, e.g. a template). | BOUNDS |
height | The height of the element. Can be specified in pixels (e.g. 50), as a percentage (e.g. 10%), or as an automatic value based on the size of the content of the element (auto). | 64 |
width | The width of the element. Can be specified in pixels (e.g. 50), as a percentage (e.g. 10%), or as an automatic value based on the size of the content of the element (auto). | 321 |
x | The x location of the element, specified as a value in pixels. It is only available when using a Bounds constraint. | 13 |
y | The y location of the element, specified as a value in pixels. It is only available when using a Bounds constraint | 314 |
Property | Description | Example |
Enter Pressed | Indicates what action to be raised when the specified event occurs. | OKPressed |
Property | Description | Example |
Alignment | Controls the alignment of the contained elements or text within the element, selected from a drop down list. | CENTRE |
Allow Blank? | Indicates whether the combo box will allow a blank element to be selected. | true |
Allow Close? | Indicates whether the page definition will show a 'close' button. | true |
Allow Focus? | Indicates whether the element will allow focus. | true |
Allow Help? | Indicates whether the page definition will show a 'help' button | true |
Allow Move? | Indicates whether the page definition will support being moved on the screen. | true |
Allow Multi-Selection? | Indicates whether the list box will allow multi-selection. | true |
Allow Pause? | Indicates whether the page definition will show a 'pause' button. | true |
Allow Resize? | Indicates whether the page definition will support being resized. | true |
Allow Wrap? | Indicates whether the text within the element will wrap. | false |
Auto Advance Expression | Applies only to ListBox elements. An EL expression which if present is evaluated after a listbox item is selected. If true it causes the next listbox item to be automatically highlighted. | xxx |
Background Colour | The background colour for the element. It can be shown as the colour name for common colours, e.g. RED, or a hex code, e.g. #ff0000. It could also contain a conditional statement to determine which colour is to be used, e.g. #{notEmpty(view.currentlyInTrainingMode)&& view.currentlyInTrainingMode ? '#80FF80': 'WHITE' } . | RED |
Background Image URL | Indicates the URL for background image to be displayed on element. | Mac1024x768/Pos/PosDialogHoverButton1024x768.gif |
Border Colour | The border colour for the element. It can be shown as the colour name for common colours, e.g. RED, or a hex code, e.g. #ff0000. It could also contain a conditional statement to determine which colour is to be used, e.g. #{notEmpty(view.currentlyInTrainingMode)&& view.currentlyInTrainingMode ? '#80FF80': 'WHITE' } . | #ff0000 |
Border Size | Indicates the size of border in pixels. Integer value, 0 means no border. | 1 |
Border Style | Indicates the style of the element's borders. Styles are selected from a drop down list. | Line |
Card Layout | Indicates whether the tabs will be rendered with a tab selection header, selected from a drop down list, i.e. true or false | false |
Classname | An optional classname that allows the capabilities of the element to be extended. | com.enactor.coreUI.swing.pageElementHandlers. SwingClockLabelElementHandler |
Collapse Direction | The direction the error label should collapse to. | Top Left |
Colour | The foreground colour for the element. It can be shown as the colour name for common colours, e.g. RED, or a hex code, e.g. #ff0000. It could also contain a conditional statement to determine which colour is to be used, e.g. #{notEmpty(view.currentlyInTrainingMode)&& view.currentlyInTrainingMode ? '#80FF80': 'WHITE' } . | WHITE |
Column Defs | The definitions of the columns for the list box. This is done via a pop up window with the following fields: Alignment - alignment of column contents, e.g. left. Selected from a drop down list. Start - start point of column, followed by absolute or percentage, depending on requirement. End - end point of column, followed by absolute or percentage, depending on requirement. Wrap - a tick indicates that the contents of the column will wrap around. | [1,2,3,Wide3,4,6] |
Confirmation Message | A message that is displayed to the User before the button submits. | #{resolveMessage('Maintenance/ContactTypeMaintenance<br></br>Messages','CONFIRM_DELETE')} |
Custom Type | The kind of custom element. | xxx |
Data | Additional data that is set into the prompt when the button is pressed, consisting of: Name - name of data, e.g. enactor.cashManagement.BagType. Data Type - type of data, e.g. java.lang.String. Expression - data expression, e.g. Banking. | [enactor.cashManagement.BagType] |
Data Expression | The function of this property depends on the type of element, i.e. Data Table - An expression that controls where the list of data for the table comes from. Image - An expression that controls where the binary data for the image comes from. | #{addressList} |
Default Message Resource | The default message base used when resolving message IDs for the page. | Pos/Sale/SaleMessages |
Description | A description for the image. | Enactor Logo |
Document Template URL | Used to format the items in the combo/list box for display. | #{view.itemsFormatter} |
Editable? | Indicates whether the element contents are editable. | true |
Editable Expression | An expression that determines if the element is editable. This will take precedence over the Editable flag. | #{!readOnly} |
Enabled? | Indicates whether the element is enabled. | true |
Enabled Expression | An expression that determines if the element is enabled. This will take precedence over the Enabled flag. This is entered via a pop up text window. | #{size(addressList) > 0} |
Error Field | The ID of the element this field is the error for. | FORENAME |
Error Property | A property name that this field displays the error for. | forename |
Field Validation Data | Defines the validation data for the element, selected from a drop down list. It allows the value in the element to be validated in a number of different ways. See the reference | Float |
Field Validation Data Expression | Allows the value in the element to be validated based on the result of an expression. | #{childOption.validationData} |
Focus Order | Controls the order the element is tabbed into. Setting to -1 will prevent the element from accepting tab focus. | -1 |
Font Name | Indicates the name of font for element, selected via a pop up window, from a drop down list of available fonts. | Arial |
Font Size | Indicates the size of font for element. Numerical value entered via a pop up window. | 10 |
Font Style | Indicates the style of font for element, e.g. bold, italic etc. Selected from list of available styles. The User can set more than one style on the element. | [Bold,Underline] |
Force Hidden? | Indicates whether a component will be hidden despite other visibility checks. | true |
Free Entry Allowed | Indicates whether the combo box will allow free-entry? | true |
Function Libraries | A list of the function libraries that are available in this page definition. This is done via a pop up window with the following fields: Name - name of function, e.g. customerPage Path - path of function, e.g. class:com.enactor.crm.customer.CustomerEditPage | {customerPage] |
Handler Classnames | Specifies which handlers should be used to support the custom element given a view type. This is done via a pop up window with the following fields: View ID - ID of the view, e.g. JSFMaintenance. Handler Classname - classname of the handler, e.g. com.enactor.coreUI.web.JSF.pageElementHandlers.custom.PageControlElementHandler. | [JSFMaintenance] |
Has Title Bar? | Indicates whether the page definition has a title bar. | false |
Height | The height of the element, specified as an absolute pixel value (e.g. 50), a percentage (e.g. 10%) or automatically sized (auto). | 300 |
Hide Intersecting | Indicates whether intersecting page elements will hidden when a panel is made visible. Applies to Panel-based elements. | false |
Horizontal Alignment | Indicates the horizontal alignment text of the element, i.e. Left, Right or Centre. | Left |
Horizontal Scrollbars | Indicates whether horizontal scroll bars are to be displayed. | None |
Id | A unique (with the containing element) identifier for this element. It is entered via a pop up window. | InputBox |
Image Category | A category for the image. | #{location.receiptHeaderImageKey.category} |
Image Data | The binary image data. | [binary data] |
Image ID | An ID that can be used to load the image from persistent storage. | Pos/EnactorLarge.jpg |
Image Type | The type of the image, used in combination with the Image ID to load the image from persistent storage. | xxx |
Image URL | URL of any image associated with the element. | crm/RoundedGrey.png |
Initially Expanded | Indicates whether the error label will appear in its expanded form when first rendered. | true |
Initial Tab | The ID of the tab which is initially displayed in the tab set, selected from a drop down list of available tabs. | TAB_1 |
Item Value Expression | An expression applied against each element in the list that determines what value is bound to the value. | #{item.key.contactTypeId} |
Label | A label displayed alongside the element. | Clr |
List Expression | An expression that supplies the list of data for the combo box/list. | #{employeeGradesList} |
List Variable Name | The name of a variable made available to children of the data table that contains the value of the row currently being processed. | filter |
Management Bean Classname | The name of a management bean class that provides additional functions that can be called by expressions in the page definition. | com.enactor.crm.customer.CustomerEditPage |
Management Bean Name | The variable name used to access the management bean within the page definition. | customerPage |
Message Base | Indicates the location of the messages file containing the required message. | Pos/General/PosSwingViewMessages |
Message ID | This is the name of the message, as found in the message file in the previous field. Can be either typed in directly, if known, or selected from a a drop down list. It can also contain an expression which determines when the message is to be output. e.g. Message ID #{notEmpty(view.transactionHandler.model.basket) && notEmpty(view.user) ? ( >= 0 ? 'TOTAL' : 'CREDIT_DUE') : ""} . | ADMIN_BUTTON |
Messages | A list of optional messages for a text element. It provides a convenient way to specify alternative content for a text element. Each message has an applicability expression. The applicability expressions are evaluated in turn until one returns true. If no match is found the text element’s normal text content is used as the default. Messages, like text elements, have value, messageId and messageBase properties. All may be EL expressions. If value is specified it takes precedence over messageId. messageBase is optional. This is done via a pop up window with the following fields: Applicability - indicates when the message is applicable, e.g. #{!empty(messageId)} . Message Base - defines the location of the messages file containing the required message, e.g. com.enactor.maintenance.resources.UserMaintenanceMessages. Message ID - the name of the message, as found in the message file in the previous field. Can be either typed in directly, if known, or selected from a a drop down list. Value - If there is no message currently defined, the User can use this field to define a new message. | #{notEmpty(view.transactionHandler.model.basket) && notEmpty(view.user) ? ( >= 0 ? 'TOTAL' : 'CREDIT_DUE') : . |
MSR Data Name | If MSR input is enabled, this is the name of the state data item into which the MSR data will be captured. This must be of type string. | enactor.pos.CardTrack2 |
MSR Enabled? | Indicates whether input from a Magnetic Stripe Reader is enabled, if present, default false | false |
Naming Container? | If the element a naming container, i.e. when the ID for child elements is constructed, indicates whether the ID of this element will contribute towards it. | true |
Navigate Complete Event | An event fired when the browser has completed navigation. | xxx |
Navigate Failed Event | An event fired when the browser has failed to load the requested page. | xxx |
Options | Controls the list of options displayed in the combo box. This is done via a pop up window with the following fields: Applicability - indicates when the option is applicable. Message Base - defines the location of the messages file containing the required message, e.g. com.enactor.maintenance.resources.UserMaintenanceMessages. Message ID - the name of the message, as found in the message file in the previous field. Can be either typed in directly, if known, or selected from a drop down list. Value - If there is no message currently defined, the User can use this field to define a new message. | [BLANK] |
Original Filename | The original filename used when the binary data for the image was supplied. | xxx |
Page Definition URL | URL of the whole page definition. | Pos/Sale/Sale |
Page Events | Indicates events that are handled by the page. Each entry has an event name, a destination page element and an action name to raise on that element. It allows a page to receive events and perform actions on individual elements. For example: event 'key.EnterPressed', action 'OKPressed', destination 'Prompt'. This is done via a pop up window with the following fields: Event Name - e.g. TrackChanges. Action Name - e.g. #{changesMade} . Destination - e.g. page. | [TrackChanges] |
Page Validation Events | Events that, when fired, trigger validation of the data within the page. If not supplied, all events will trigger validation. | [Save] |
Parameters | Data that is passed onto the referenced page definition. This is done via a pop up window with the following fields: Name - name of the parameter, e.g. enactor.diaryMaintenance.Day. Value - value of the parameter, e.g. #{calendarEntries[0]} . Type - type of the parameter, e.g. com.enactor.diary.CalendarEntry. | [enactor.diaryMaintenance.Day] |
Password Mode? | Indicates whether the input text box will hide the data being entered (for example with asterisks). | false |
Preferred Constraint Type | The preferred constraint type for the page definition, i.e. bounds or flow. New elements will by default use this constraint type when they are added to the page definition. | BOUNDS |
Pressed Image URL | URL of image to be displayed when button is pressed. | Tragus/Pos/Button100x70RedPressed.png |
Properties | Data passed to the custom element handler. This is done via a pop up window with the following fields: - Key - labelStyle, listExpression - Value - pageLabel, #{list} | [labelStyle,listExpression] |
Radio Group | The group that this radio is part of. Only one radio per group can be active at a time. | JobsFilterGroup |
Referenced Element ID | The ID of the element in the referenced page definition to include. | CRM/ListFilters |
Referenced Page Definition URL | The URL of a page definition to include elements from. | FILTER_PANEL |
Row Selection Enabled? | Indicates whether the data table will allow the row to be selected. | false |
Scanner Data Name | If scanner input is enabled, this is the name of the state data item into which the scanner data will be captured. This must be a string variable. | enactor.pos.ProductCodeScanned |
Scanner Enabled? | Indicates whether input from a barcode scanner is enabled, if present, default false | true |
Selectable Expression | An expression that determines if the item in the combo box/list is selectable. | #{listItemVisibilityTest} |
Selected Background Colour | The background colour of the item that is selected. It can be shown as the colour name for common colours, e.g. RED, or a hex code, e.g. #ff0000. It could also contain a conditional statement to determine which colour is to be used, e.g. #{notEmpty(view.currentlyInTrainingMode)&& view.currentlyInTrainingMode ? '#80FF80': 'WHITE'} . | #FF0000 |
Selected Foreground Colour | The foreground colour of the item that is selected. It can be shown as the colour name for common colours, e.g. RED, or a hex code, e.g. #ff0000. It could also contain a conditional statement to determine which colour is to be used, e.g. #{notEmpty(view.currentlyInTrainingMode)&& view.currentlyInTrainingMode ? '#80FF80': 'WHITE'} . | WHITE |
Selected Index | The index of the item that is selected. | 0 |
Selected Row Class | A style class that is used for the selected row. | crmSelectedRow |
Selected Value | An expression that determines the selected value. | #{user.userId} |
Show Popup | Indicates whether popup calendar is to be shown for input date elements. | true |
Skip Page Validation? | Indicates whether page validation will be skipped for this element. | false |
Start With First Item Expression | An expression that determines if the ListBox should start with the first element selected. Applies only to ListBox elements. | #{true} |
Start With Last Item Expression | An expression that determines if the ListBox should start with the last element selected. Applies only to ListBox elements. | #{false} |
Style | The style for the element. It is entered using a pop up window. | vertical-align:top |
Style Class | The style class for the element, entered using a pop up window. | removeLink |
Stylesheets | A list of design time stylesheets, used to help the designer present a more realistic preview. | [Mac/portalstyles.css] |
Sub Title | The subtitle for the page definition. | xxx |
Sub Title Message Id | The message ID to use as the subtitle for the page definition. | xxx |
Template URL (Design Time) | URL of template used for design of page definition. | Pos/StandardPosTemplate |
Timeout | A timeout in milliseconds. If the no button is pressed within this timeout, the page will automatically expire and raise an event back to the process. | 0 |
Title | Title of the page definition. | Sale |
Title Message Id | Message ID of title if applicable. | EDIT_PREFERENCE_TITLE |
Transparent Background | Indicates whether background of element is transparent. | false |
Type | The type of Input Text box, or Button to display, which will vary according to element type, i.e. Text Box: Rich Text – A text box that allow formatted text. Text Area – A multi-line text input box. Text Pane – A multi-line text input box that can display formatted text (doesn't allow formatted text entry however). Button: Link – A button that displays its text as a clickable link. Push Button – A button that displays as a normal button with a label. Image Button – A button that renders a clickable image with a label. | Text Field |
Update Triggers | A trigger ID that will cause this element to update, value entered via a pop up window. | [applicationLogListBox] |
URL Resolver | A class that will determine how the URLs on the page definition are interpreted. | com.enactor.coreUI.web.JSF.pageElementHandlers.ButtonServletURLResolver |
Value | This will vary according to element type. For display only elements it will control the label for the element. For data entry elements it will control the value the element has. It is entered via a pop-up window. | ${enactor.mfc.ProductCode} |
Variable Declarations | A list of variable names that are available within the page definition. This is only used during validation. This is done via a pop up window with the following fields: Name - name of variable, e.g. enactor.customerMaintenance.Customer. Type - type of variable, e.g. com.enactor.mfc.customer.ICustomer. Required - indicates whether variable is required. | [enactor.customerMaintenance.Customer] |
Vertical Alignment | The vertical alignment of the children of the element. | Centre |
Vertical Scrollbars | Indicates whether vertical horizontal scroll bars are to be displayed. | None |
Visibility Expression | An expression that determines if the element is visible, according to privileges etc. This will take precedence over the Visible flag. It is entered via a pop up window. | #{basket:testAnyVoidFunctionValid()} |
Visible? | Indicates whether the element is visible. | true |
Visible Item Count | The number of items that are visible in the list box. | 0 |
Width | The width of the element. Can be specified as an absolute pixel value (e.g. 50), a percentage value (10%), or an automatically sized value (auto). | 100 |
Window Type | This takes various values to determine the kind of window, frame or dialog that should be displayed. | View Panel (View Controller) |
x | If the element is absolutely positioned, the x coordinate it should appear at (relative to the elements parent) | 100 |
y | If the element is absolutely positioned, the y coordinate it should appear at (relative to the elements parent) | 150 |
Field Validation Data
Defines the validation data for the element, selected from a drop down list. It allows the value in the element to be validated in a number of different ways.
Field | Description | Example |
Allow Nulls | A tick indicates that nulls are allowed for this element. | set |
Earliest Date | Earliest allowed date - entered either as dd/mm/yyyy format, or by using the up and down arrows to the right of the field. The date can also be set as unbounded, via a tick box. | 24/06/2020 |
Latest Date | Latest allowed date - entered either as dd/mm/yyyy format, or by using the up and down arrows to the right of the field. The date can also be set as unbounded, via a tick box. | 24/06/2020 |
Display Format | Indicates whether the required format is to be displayed. | true |
Custom Validation Classname | Classname used for customer validation. | xxx |
Input Mask | Mask used against input data for validation. | 00 |
Minimum Value | Minimum value of the element. | 0 |
Maximum Value | Maximum value of the element. | 9999 |
Minimum length | Minimum length of the string. | 1 |
String Format | Format of the string, selected from a drop down list, e.g. alpha, URL etc. | URL |
List Template Constraints
For all the 'Allow' properties below, the User can select either inherit (i.e. use the associated template values), true or false.
Property | Description | Example |
Allow Change Bounds? | Indicates whether the bounds of the element can be changed. | Inherit |
Allow Creation? | Indicates whether new child elements can be added to the element. | Inherit |
Allow Edit? | Indicates whether the properties of the element can be modified. | Inherit |
Allow Removal | Indicates whether the properties of the element can be removed. | Inherit |
Allow Replacement? | Indicates whether child elements that were contributed by the template can be replaced with other elements. | Inherit |
Template Constraints
For all the 'Allow' properties below, the User can select either inherit (i.e. use the associated template values), true or false.
Property | Description | Example |
Allow Bounds to Change? | Indicates whether the bounds of the element can be changed. | Inherit |
Allow Edit? | Indicates whether the properties of the element can be modified. | Inherit |
Allow Removal? | Indicates whether the properties of the element can be removed. | Inherit |
Allow Replacement? | Indicates whether child elements that were contributed by the template can be replaced with other elements. | Inherit |
Render Mode | Defines the mode of rendering for the page definition. It is selected from a drop down list, i.e. At Initialisation, Whenever Rendered or Use Template. | Whenever Rendered |