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Menu Tree

Menu Tree

This shows the structure of the menu. Nodes and folders can be added using the buttons below the tree. Similarly, the User can also remove items. The properties for a node can be edited using the properties view. If the properties view is not available, it can be selected by selecting Window->Show View->Other and type in properties as the filter text. Select the Properties under General.


The table below shows the various properties available for the nodes and folders in the menu tree. This will vary according to type.

DataAny data required for the node.YN[enactor.pos.NewCard]
EventAny event associated with the node.YNGiftCardIssue
LabelThe text to be displayed on the node. This is only used if the Message ID is not set.YYxxx
Message BaseWhere the required message is located.YYPos/General/PosMessages
Message IDThe ID of the required message.YYBUTTON_BACK
PositionThe position of the node on the menu, typically a numerical value, range 1-8.YY8
Visibility ExpressionThis is an expression which determines when the button is visible.YY#{priv:checkPrivilege('enactor.pos.IssueGiftCardAllowed')}