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This section describes the properties available for individual elements in the print document. The properties will vary according to the type of element.


AlignmentControls the alignment of the contained elements or text within the element, selected from a drop down list.CENTRE
ApplicabilityControls if the item is 'applicable', similar effect to a visibility expression.#{item.isTrackedItem && cMTransaction.countedItemMap[item.tenderKey] != null}
Applicable Class NameAn item is only applicable if it has the specified
Applicable Entity NameAn item is only applicable if it has the specified entity
Barcode SizeSize of barcode, selected from a drop down list.MEDIUM
Barcode TypeType of barcode, selected from a drop down list.EAN_8
ColourIndicates the colour of the element, can be shown as the colour name for common colours or a hex code., e.g. #ff0000. It could also contain a conditional statement to determine which colour is to be used, e.g. #{notEmpty(view.currentlyInTrainingMode)&& view.currentlyInTrainingMode ? '#80FF80': 'WHITE' }.WHITE
Column Def IDThe ID for this column definition.Left Column
DataBarcode: controls the structure of the barcode. Column Definition: the data for this column definition.[enactor.cashManagement.BagType]
Data ExpressionThis is entered via a pop-up window and must be enclosed in '#{' and '}'.#{creditNoteTenderItem.serialNumber}
Default Message ResourceMessages file to be used.Pos/Account/AccountMessages
DescriptionDescription of the
EndNumerical value, the end position of the column specified as a percentage.0
End PositionNumerical value, the end position of the column specified as a number of characters.70
Entity ReferencesUsed to declare data available in EL expressions during the render of the print document.
See More
Font NameThe name of the font for the element, selected via a pop up window, from a drop down list of available fonts.Arial
Font SizeThe size of the font for the element. Numerical value entered via a pop up window.10
Font StyleThe style of font for element, e.g. bold, italic. etc. Selected from list of available styles. The User can set more than one style on the element.[Bold,Underline]
Format IDThe ID for this format element.customerNameAndAddress
FormattersUsed to convert object or primitive values into strings that can be printed.
See More
HRIIndicates whether the 'Human Readable Interface' version of the barcode will be displayed beneath it.true/false
IdIndicates ID of the element, format can vary according to element.AddressKey
Included Template URLSThe URLS of the other document templates this template refers to.Pos/Print/ReceiptGeneralFormatEntries44
List ExpressionAn expression that supplies the list of data for this table.#{manifest.versionList}
Message BaseIndicates the location of the messages file containing the required message.Pos/Account/AccountMessages
Message IDThis is the name of the message, as found in the message file in the previous field. Can be either typed in directly, if known, or selected from a drop-down list. It can also contain an expression which determines when the message is to be output.ACCOUNT_TYPE
Original FilenameOriginal filename for
Page Definition URLURL of the associated page definition.Pos/Account/DisplayAccountBalanceEnquiryTemplate
Page Footer Format IDFormat for page footer, selected from a drop-down list.customerAddress
Page Header Format IDFormat for page header, selected from a drop-down list.storeAddress
StartThe start position of the column specified as a percentage.0
Start PositionThe start position of the column specified in characters.60
StyleThe style for the element. It is entered using a pop-up window.BOLD
Style ClassThe style class for the element, entered using a pop-up window.listHeader
Sub TitleSub title of the print
Sub Title Message IdID of the message associated with the sub
Template URLURL of template used for
TitleTitle of the print document.Display Account Balance Enquiry Template
Title Message IdMessage ID of title if applicable.EDIT_PREFERENCE_TITLE
ToThe target of the variable expression.customerAddress
TypeThe data type of the variable
ValueThe source of the variable expression. This is entered via a pop-up window.customer.customerAddress
Variable DeclarationsA list of variable names that are available within the print document. This is only used during validation. This is done via a pop-up window with the following fields:
Name - name of variable, e.g. view.
Type - type of variable, e.g. java.util.Map.
Required - indicates whether variable is required.
Visibility ExpressionAn expression that determines if the element is visible, according to privileges etc. This will take precedence over the Visible flag. It is entered via a pop-up window.#{account.accountCreditLimit > 0}
Visible?Indicates whether the element is visible.true
Wrap?Indicates whether text can wrap within element.true/false
WidthWidth of the print document. Can be specified as an absolute pixel value (e.g. 50), a percentage value (10%), or an automatically sized value (auto).75
Window TypeType of window for page definition, selected from a drop-down list.View Panel (View Controller)

Entity References

Used to declare data available in EL expressions during the render of the print document.

Reference NameThe name for this reference. This is also the value that will be used as the variable name for the reference.mmGroup
Entity NameThe entity name of the entity for the reference. Only required if you are not using a
Entity NamespaceThe namespace for the entity for the reference. Only required if you are not using a KeyValueExpression.
Entity InterfaceThe java interface name for the entity. This is only used during validation and
Key value expressionAn expression that is used to load the entity.#{product.MMGroupKey}
Key PropertiesThe properties used to load the key, i.e. name and value. Only required if you are not using a KeyValueExpression.groupId and #{['priceGroupKey.groupId']} respectively


Used to convert object or primitive values into strings that can be printed.

Abs Value?Indicates whether the formatter should format the value to its absolute valuetrue/false
Negate?Indicates whether the value should be negated while being formatted.true/false
Amount in Words (For Cheques)
Maximum Line LengthThe maximum length of the line once formatted, any extra characters will be
Line PrefixA prefix which is added to the beginning of the
Line SuffixA suffix which is added to the end of the
PadThe character used to pad the
WidthThe required width of the value. Can be specified as an absolute pixel value (e.g. 50), a percentage value (10%), or an automatically sized value (auto).xxx
Input PatternThis controls the format the user must use when entering data, for interactive
PatternA pattern that is applied to the value when formatting, for example a date might be formatted with the string 'dd-MM-yyyy'.xxx
Exchange Rate
Currency IDThe ID of a currency used to format a currency valuexxx
Abs Value?Indicates whether the formatter should format the value to its absolute valuetrue/false
Negate?Indicates whether the value should be negated while being formatted.true/false
Integer Value?Indicates if a floating point number is passed, use its integer value.true/false
Pad Left
PadThe character used to pad the
WidthThe width of the element. Can be specified as an absolute pixel value (e.g. 50), a percentage value (10%), or an automatically sized value (auto).xxx
Pad Right
PadThe character used to pad the
WidthThe width of the element. Can be specified as an absolute pixel value (e.g. 50), a percentage value (10%), or an automatically sized value (auto).xxx
StartWhen formatting with a substring, the start position to substring
EndWhen formatting with a substring, the end position to substring