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React Prompt Wizard

This wizard is designed to generate a React Component. You can create a new Component either using File -> New -> Enactor Development -> React Prompt Wizard or using Right Click on a prompt in an Application Process Enactor -> New React Component

Once the details are completed, a basic index.jsx file (as shown below) will be generated at the specified component directory path.

Index File

The wizard window contains the following fields.

React Component Wizard

React Component DirectoryThe directory within the React project where React components are stored.
(Suggested directories are displayed based on the imported React projects in the workspace.)
React Component File PathThe file path inside the directory where the React component is located.
(This will be automatically populated if you right-click on the prompt to generate the React app.)
Register in RoutesIndicates whether the React component should be registered in the route files.
Routes File NameThe name of the routes file where the React component should be registered.
React Component NameThe name of the React component.
(This will be automatically populated if you right-click on the prompt to generate the React app.)
Prompt URLThe URL of the prompt state.
(This will also be automatically populated if you right-click on the prompt to generate the React app.)

On the other hand, this wizard can also be opened by right clicking a prompt state.

Prompt Menu

If opened as above, below fields are populated with the available information.

populated wizard