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Error Label Properties

Error Label Properties

This section describes the properties available for an error label element in the page definition.

Effective Constraint

Constraint SourceThe location that is providing the constraint for this element.TEMPLATE_CONSTRAINT
Constraint TypeThe type of constraint for this element, i.e.
Bounds - The element is being position absolutely.
Flow - The element is flowing.
None - The element has no position constraint.
heightThe height of the element in pixels.63
widthThe width of the element in pixels.281
xThe x location of the element in pixels, relative to its parent element.445
yThe y location of the element in pixels, relative to its parent element.184

Element Constraint

Constraint TypeThe type of constraint to apply to the element, i.e.
Bounds - The element should be absolutely positioned.
Flow - The element should flow.
None - No constraint for the element should be supplied here (although a constraint may be inferred from somewhere else, e.g. a template).
heightThe height of the element. Can be specified in pixels (e.g. 50), as a percentage (e.g. 10%), or as an automatic value based on the size of the content of the element (auto).64
widthThe width of the element. Can be specified in pixels (e.g. 50), as a percentage (e.g. 10%), or as an automatic value based on the size of the content of the element (auto).321
xThe x location of the element, specified as a value in pixels. It is only available when using a Bounds constraint.13
yThe y location of the element, specified as a value in pixels. It is only available when using a Bounds constraint314


Allow Focus?Indicates whether the element will allow focus.true
Allow Wrap?Indicates whether contents of element can wrap around.false
Background ColourThe background colour for the element. It can be shown as the colour name for common colours, e.g. RED, or a hex code, e.g. #ff0000. It could also contain a conditional statement to determine which colour is to be used, e.g. #{notEmpty(view.currentlyInTrainingMode)&& view.currentlyInTrainingMode ? '#80FF80': 'WHITE' }.RED
Background Image URLIndicates the URL for background image to be displayed on the element.Mac1024x768/Pos/PosDialogHoverButton1024x768.gif
Border ColourThe border colour for the element. It can be shown as the colour name for common colours, e.g. RED, or a hex code, e.g. #ff0000. It could also contain a conditional statement to determine which colour is to be used, e.g. #{notEmpty(view.currentlyInTrainingMode)&& view.currentlyInTrainingMode ? '#80FF80': 'WHITE' }.#ff0000
Border SizeIndicates the size of border in pixels. Integer value, 0 means no border.1
Border StyleIndicates the style of the element's borders. Styles are selected from a drop down list.Line
ClassnameAn optional classname that allows the capabilities of the element to be
Collapse DirectionThe direction the error label should collapse to. Selected from a drop down list, e.g. Top Left, Bottom Right etc.None
ColourThe foreground colour for the element. It can be shown as the colour name for common colours, e.g. RED, or a hex code, e.g. #ff0000. It could also contain a conditional statement to determine which colour is to be used, e.g. #{notEmpty(view.currentlyInTrainingMode)&& view.currentlyInTrainingMode ? '#80FF80': 'WHITE' }.RED
Enabled?Indicates whether the element is enabled.true
Enabled ExpressionAn expression that determines if the element is enabled. This will take precedence over the Enabled flag. This is entered via a pop up text window.#{size(addressList) > 0}
Error FieldThe ID of the element this field is the error for.ADDRESS_STREET1
Error PropertyA property name that this field displays the error for.street1
Focus OrderControls the order the element is tabbed into. Setting to -1 will prevent the element from accepting tab focus.-1
Font NameIndicates the name of font for element, selected via a pop up window, from a drop down list of available fonts.Arial
Font SizeIndicates the size of font for element. Numerical value entered via a pop up window.10
Font StyleIndicates the style of font for element, e.g. bold, italic etc. Selected from list of available styles. The User can set more than one style on the element.[Bold,Underline]
Force Hidden?Indicates whether a component will be hidden despite other visibility checks.true
Horizontal AlignmentIndicates the horizontal alignment text of the element, i.e. Left, Right or Centre.Left
IdA unique (with the containing element) identifier for this element. It is entered via a pop up window.AddressLine1Error
Initially ExpandedIndicates whether the error label willappear in its expanded form when first rendered.false
Message BaseIndicates the location of the messages file containing the required message.Pos/General/PosSwingViewMessages
Message IDThis is the name of the message which will supply the label for the element, as found in the message file in the previous field. Can be either typed in directly, if known, or selected from a a drop down list. It can also contain an expression which determines when the message is to be output, e.g. Message ID #{notEmpty(view.transactionHandler.model.basket) && notEmpty(view.user) ? ( >= 0 ? 'TOTAL' : 'CREDIT_DUE') : ""}.ADMIN_BUTTON
MessagesA list of optional messages for a text element. It provides a convenient way to specify alternative content for a text element. Each message has an applicability expression. The applicability expressions are evaluated in turn until one returns true. If no match is found the text element's normal text content is used as the default. Messages, like text elements, have value, messageId and messageBase properties. All may be EL expressions. If value is specified it takes precedence over messageId. messageBase is optional. This is done via a pop up window with the following fields:
Applicability - indicates when the message is applicable, e.g. #{!empty(messageId)}.
Message Base - indicates the location of the messages file containing the required message, e.g. com.enactor.maintenance.resources.UserMaintenanceMessages.
Message ID - the name of the message, as found in the message file in the previous field. Can be either typed in directly, if known, or selected from a a drop down list.
Value - If there is no message currently defined, the User can use this field to define a new message.
Skip Page Validation?Indicates whether page validation will be skipped for this element.false
StyleThe style for the element. It is entered using a pop up window.vertical-align:top
Style ClassThe style class for the element, entered using a pop up window.removeLink
Transparent BackgroundIndicates whether background of element is transparent.true
TypeThe type of Input Text box, or Button to display, which will vary according to element type, i.e.

Text Box:
Rich Text - A text box that allow formatted text.
Text Area - A multi-line text input box.
Text Pane - A multi-line text input box that can display formatted text (doesn't allow formatted text entry however).
Text Input - A standard single-line text input box.

Link - A button that displays its text as a clickable link.
Push Button - A button that displays as a normal button with a label.
Image Button - A button that renders a clickable image with a label.
Text Field
Update TriggersA trigger ID that will cause this element to update, value entered via a pop up window.[applicationLogListBox]
ValueThis will vary according to element type.
For display only elements it will control the label for the element. For data entry elements it will control the value the element has.
Vertical AlignmentIndicates the vertical alignment text of the element, i.e. Centre, Top or Bottom.Centre
Visibility ExpressionAn expression that determines if the element is visible, according to privileges etc. This will take precedence over the Visible flag. It is entered via a pop up window.#{basket:testAnyVoidFunctionValid()}
Visible?Indicates whether the element is visible.true

Template Constraints

For all the 'Allow' properties below, the User can select either inherit (i.e. use the associated template values), true or false.

Allow Bounds to Change?Indicates whether the bounds of the element can be changed.Inherit
Allow Edit?Indicates whether the properties of the element can be modified.Inherit
Allow Removal?Indicates whether the properties of the element can be removed.Inherit
Allow Replacement?Indicates whether child elements that were contributed by the template can be replaced with other elements.Inherit
Render ModeIndicates the mode of rendering for the page definition and affects when an element is drawn. It is selected from a drop down list, i.e. At Initialisation, Whenever Rendered or Use Template.Whenever Rendered