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Enactor Tools - Version 1.3.389

Release Date - Nov 10,2023


This release mainly includes bug fixes related to Debugging Application Processes, React Component support for UI and Documentation on Debugging Application Processes, Extension Points and React Components.

Deliverables and Versions

Enactor ToolsVersion: 1.3.389
Java (Eclipse Launch)  17
OSMac 13.0.1,   Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS/22.04.3 LTS,   Windows 11


  • Add the following parameter to eclipse.ini if it does not exist:



  • If you are using Ubuntu 22 or above and have issues with Enactor Tools not working properly Go to /etc/gdm3/custom.conf and uncomment below line.

  • WaylandEnable=false


DT-314Remove Editors/Wizards that we no longer use
DT-350Resource Library - Update Console Log
DT-353AEnactor ToolKit Documentation - Enhancements
DT-364Add Details for React Component in the Resource Library Information View

Bug Fixes

DT-330BreakPoints don't persist when added to Application Processes from JARs
DT-343Errors in the process editor when restarting Eclipse with processes from JARS opened in
DT-344Enable/Disable breakpoints doesn't work for Application Processes from JARs
DT-356Link with Package Editor Not working for Application Processes
DT-357Copy / Paste of an Application Process results in an error
DT-362Fix Minor Bugs with React Component Support for Tools
DT-377Remove/Remove All breakpoints from breakpoint tab doesn't immediately update process editor ui for
Application Processes from JARS

Debugging Application Processes Inside Enactor JARs

In Order to debug Application Processes from JARs you need to first index the resources. If your workspace indexes aren't up-to date updates indexes using resource library.

Windows → Show View →Enactor Tools → Resource Library → Update Indexes


After Indexing is completed Add mappings for the jar processes

Go to Eclipse Preferences → Enactor Development → Resource Mapping and click on Process → Suggest Mappings.


Select All mappings suggested for processes and Finish .

Now If you need to add a breakpoint to a application process from a Jar Go to Resource Library and Search for the Processes, double click and open it to add breakpoints.

REsource Library

You can also step into processes from jars while debugging.