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Enactor Tools - Version 1.3.418

Release Date - Feb 2, 2024


Deliverables and Versions

Enactor ToolsVersion: 1.3.418
Java (Eclipse Launch)  17
OSMac 13.0.1,   Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS,   Windows 11


  • Add the following parameter to eclipse.ini if it does not exist:



  • If you are using Ubuntu 22 or above and have issues with Enactor Tools not working properly Go to /etc/gdm3/custom.conf and uncomment below line.

  • WaylandEnable=false


  • If you prefer to use a dark theme for Eclipse for better user experience we recommend to use the Darkest Dark Theme

  • Go to Help → Eclipse Marketplace

  • Find Darkest Dark Theme

  • Install



DT-410React Component Support in Customer Workspaces (Node Modules)
DT-409Implement Application Process Editor Palette Changes
DT-406Add Contextual Search Support for Application Process Editor

Bug Fixes

DT-421Reference Search Doesn't Consider Application Processes from JARs
DT-418Application Process JAR Debug - Sometimes multiple processes getting opened
DT-417Application Process JAR Debug - Sometimes breakpoints don't focus on the Editor
DT-404Full Stacktrace in Logs when Tool Indexing is running


With this release we are adding a new functionality “Application Process Editor - Contextual Search“ where you can search actions, inputs in the Application Process quickly and navigate to the actions.

Click Ctrl + O , Cmd + O (Mac) on the Process Editor and you will be able to search and navigate

Contextual Search

Contextual Search

Application Process Editor Palette Changes

With this release we have added few enhancements to the Application Process editor, where now the Actions are properly organised and few important Actions, Processes included in the Palette.


React Component Support in Customer Workspaces

Follow the same steps as Enactor Tools - Version 1.3.368 | Navigate to React Components importing the Customer Project in to the workspace.
