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Enactor Tools - Version 1.3.467

Release Date - Aug 6,2024


This release includes few CRs and bug fixes related to Application Process Editor.

Deliverables and Versions

Enactor ToolsVersion: 1.3.467
Eclipse 2024-6 has an issue with inbuilt M2Eclipse2.6.1 plugin
Update the plugin to latest version with below steps
Help -> Install New Software -> Add
Name : M2Eclipse2.7.1
Location Eclipse software repository, The Eclipse Foundation Eclipse
Install and restart eclipse. If you have already imported maven projects, Right Click → Maven → Update Project

Eclipse 2024-6 has an issue with inbuilt Search Functionality Eclipse File Search IDE issue

To resolve it follow the below steps
Close the Eclipse Application
Locate the Eclipse Executable
- On Windows: Use eclipsec.exe
- On macOS/Linux: eclipse or eclipsec inside the Eclipse installation directory.

Navigate to the Eclipse Installation Directory where the Executable is present
Run the Commands Using the Executable
On Windowseclipsec.exe -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -uninstallIU

On macOS/Linux:./eclipse -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -uninstallIU

Install an older version of plugin from a Repository

On Windows:eclipsec.exe -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository -installIU

On macOS/Linux: ./eclipse -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository -installIU

Start the Eclipse Application
Java (Eclipse Launch)21
OSMac 13.0.1, Ubuntu - 18.04.6 LTS, Windows - 11


  • Add the following parameter to eclipse.ini if it does not exist:



  • If you are using Ubuntu 22 or above and have issues with Enactor Tools not working properly Go to /etc/gdm3/custom.conf and uncomment below line.

  • WaylandEnable=false


  • If you prefer to use a dark theme for Eclipse for better user experience we recommend to use the Darkest Dark Theme

  • Go to Help → Eclipse Marketplace

  • Find Darkest Dark Theme

  • Install



DT-510Add Extension Actions section to Process Editor Palette to Support Adding Extensions
DT-429Have the ability to Refactor a Call Process as an extension

Bug Fixes

DT-597Enactor tools Editor for documentTemplate is not working
DT-479Maintenance Application - Page Definition App not getting generated properly


Add End Process & Stop Extension Linking Action to Palette

A new section is added to the Palette as Extension Actions and have moved Call Extension Point action and have newly added End Process and Stop Extension Linking Action under that.


End Process and Stop Extension Linking Action - This action would be similar to an End Process Action with an additional StopExtensionLinking input and parameter.

Refactor a Call Process/Action as an extension

Now you have the ability to refactor a Call Process/Action as an Extension Process.


When the actions are selected and choose the option to refactor as an Extension Process, the actions are moved to the newly defined process and the process is registered in the Packages.xml.

When Extension Point Wizard is updated, the current process is updated with callExtensionPointAction with the user given extension Id and the extension is registered in the Packages.xml.
