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Custom Payment Service


This document will guide you through the process of setting up a basic framework for creating your own payment service tender process.

What You Will Learn

  • How to structure an Application Process
  • Identifying crucial entry points enabling the execution of a customized tender process.
  • Leveraging existing Enactor Application Processes.
  • Updating the transaction basket with a new Tender Item.

Application Process Design and Implementation

Creating a skeleton Application Process

Entry point

Bring up the Resource Library View and search for and open the Application Process HandleTenderPromptFunctions


HandleTenderPromptFunctions is called from the DoTender Process when an unknown event is fired, allowing for custom code to be injected

Create the following directory paths relative to the Process directory, Training/Pos/Tender

From the WorkspaceSetup\TrainingResources\CustomPaymentService\Application Process directory, copy the HandleTenderPromptFunctions_1.0.xml Application Process into your newly created Tender folder

Right click the HandleTenderPromptFunctions_1.0.xml file select Enactor -> Register in Packages

Click Register


By copying the HandleTenderPromptFunctions Process, a process override using the Process set mechanisms was used. More details can be in the Process Set Tutorial

Create a new Application Process with an ID of HandleTenderFunctionsExt in the Tender folder

Open the Packages.xml and select the Extensions tab

Within the Package Extensions / Extensions Section Click Add

Select the newly added extension, and then enter the following values:

  • Name - Training HandleTenderPromptExtension
  • Extension Point - HandleTenderPromptExtension
  • Extension URL - Click Browse and search for your newly created process HandleTenderFunctionsExt
  • Type - From the drop down menu select Process

Open the newly created Process HandleTenderFunctionsExt

From the Palette, expand the States group, select and drag on a new State, placing it under the Process figure

For the State ID property, enter Start

For the Events property, enter StateEntered

Bring up the Resource Library View and search for the Action CheckEventAction and place it along side the Start State

For the Outcomes property, add a new outcome named CustomPaymentServiceTender

Add a link from the StateEntered event of the Start State connecting to CheckEventAction

From the Palette expand the Actions group, add an End Process Action

Set the Action ID to End Process Unknown

Set the Process Outcome to Unknown

Add a new Input property to the EndProcessAction with the following values

  • Name : enactor.coreUI.StopExtensionLinking
  • Type : java.lang.Boolean

Add a new perimeter value setting the stop linking value to true

Add a link from the Unknown Outcome of the CheckEventAction action connecting to End Process Unknown

CustomPaymentService Process

Create a new Application Process named CustomPaymentService within the Tender Folder

From the Palette, expand the States group, select and drag on a new State, placing it under the Process figure

For the State ID property, enter Start

For the Events property, enter StateEntered

Add another State placing it alongside the the Start State

For the State ID property, enter LoadAndCreateTenderItem

For the Events property, add a StateEntered event

Add a link from the StateEntered event of the Start State connecting to the newly created state LoadAndCreateTenderItem

Add another State placing it alongside the the LoadAndCreateTenderItem State

For the State ID property, enter GetTenderAmount

For the Events property, add a StateEntered event

Add a link from the StateEntered event of the LoadAndCreateTenderItem State connecting to the newly created state GetTenderAmount

Add a new Message State placing it alongside the the GetTenderAmount State

For the State ID property, enter PromptForCode

For the Events property, add a OKPressed and CancelPressed event

For the URL property, select /Message/ModalYesNo

For the Message Text Property, enter Capture Customre Code

Add a link from the StateEntered event of the GetTenderAmount State connecting to the newly created state PromptForCode

From the Palette expand the Actions group, add an End Process Action placing above the PromptForCode State

Set the Action ID to End Process Cancel

Set the Process Outcome to Cancel

Add a link from the CancelPressed event of the PromptForCode State connecting to the newly created Action End Process Cancel

Add another State placing it alongside the PromptForCode State

For the State ID property, enter MakePayment

For the Events property, add a StateEntered event

Add a link from the OKPressed event of the PromptForCode State connecting to the newly created state MakePayment

Add another State placing it alongside the MakePayment State

For the State ID property, enter AddToBasket

For the Events property, add a StateEntered event

Add a link from the StateEntered event of the MakePayment State connecting to the newly created state AddToBasket

From the Palette expand the Actions group, add an End Process Action placing above the PromptForCode State

Set the Action ID to End Process Success

Set the Process Outcome to Success

Add a link from the StateEntered event of the AddToBasket State connecting to the newly created Action End Process Success

Save the Process

Return to the HandleTenderFunctionsExt process

Bring up the Resource Library View and search for the Application Process CustomPaymentService

Select and drag the CustomPaymentService process alongside the CheckEventAction

Add a link from the CustomPaymentServiceTender outcome of the CheckEventAction action connecting to the CustomPaymentService process

From the Palette expand the Actions group, add an End Process Action placing alongside the CustomPaymentServiceTender Call Process action

Set the Action ID to End Process Success

Set the Process Outcome to Success

Add a link from the Succss outcome of the CustomPaymentServiceTender call process connecting to the newly created Action End Process Success

From the Palette expand the Actions group, add an End Process Action placing above the CustomPaymentServiceTender Call Process action

Set the Action ID to End Process Cancel

Set the Process Outcome to Cancel

Add a new Input property to the EndProcessAction with the following values

  • Name : enactor.coreUI.StopExtensionLinking
  • Type : java.lang.Boolean

Add a new perimeter value setting the stop linking value to true

Add a link from the Cancel outcome of the CustomPaymentServiceTender call process connecting to the newly created Action End Process Cancel

Select the process figure and edit its Input properties

Add the following entires

  • Name : enter enactor.coreUI.CurrentEvent
    • Type :
  • Name : enter enactor.mfc.TransactionHandler
    • Type : com.enactor.mfc.retail.transaction.IRetailTransactionHandler

Click OK

Save the Process

  • Turn on Process Tracing
  • Launch the Pos
  • Form the Tenders menu, select Custom Payment Service Tender

Load and Create Tender Item

Create a new Application Process with an ID of LoadAndCreateTenderItem in the Tender folder

From the Palette, expand the States group, select and drag on a new State, placing it under the Process figure

For the State ID property, enter Start

For the Events property, enter StateEntered

Bring up the Resource Library View and search for the Action loadTender and place it along side the Start State


Ensure the pos version of the Action is selected

Add a link form the StateEntered event of Start state connecting to the LoadTender action

Bring up the Resource Library View and search for the Process CreateTenderItem and place it along side the LoadTender Action

Add a link form the Success event of LoadTender action connecting to the CrateTenderItem process action

From the Palette expand the Actions group, add an End Process Action placing above the CrateTenderItem Call Process action

Set the Action ID to End Process Success

Set the Process Outcome to Success

Add a link from the Success outcome of the CrateTenderItem call process connecting to the newly created Action End Process Success

Select the LoadTender action and select to edit the Parameters property

Add the following entry

  • Name : enactor.mfc.TenderId
    • Value : PST

Select the process figure and add the following Input properties:

  • Name : enactor.coreUI.User
    • Type : com.enactor.core.signOn.ISignedOnUser
  • Name : enactor.coreUI.UserLocale
    • Type : enactor.coreUI.UserLocale
  • Name : enactor.mfc.Device
    • Type : com.enactor.mfc.device.IDevice
  • Name : enactor.mfc.Location
    • Type : com.enactor.mfc.location.ILocation
  • Name : enactor.mfc.PosTerminal
    • Type : com.enactor.mfc.posTerminal.IPOSTerminal
  • Name : enactor.mfc.TenderId
    • Type : java.lang.String
  • Name : enactor.mfc.TransactionHandler
    • Type : com.enactor.mfc.retail.transaction.IRetailTransactionHandler
  • Name : enactor.pos.IsChange
    • Type: java.lang.Boolean
  • Name : enactor.pos.IsRefund
    • Type: java.lang.Boolean

Select the process figure and add the following Output properties:

  • Name : enactor.mfc.Tender
    • Type : com.enactor.mfc.tender.ITender
  • Name : enactor.mfc.TenderCurrency
    • Type : com.enactor.mfc.currency.ICurrency
  • Name : enactor.mfc.TenderId
    • Type : java.lang.String
  • Name : enactor.mfc.TenderItem
    • Type : com.enactor.mfc.basket.items.ITenderItem


All Inputs and outputs added will automatically be added as State variables

Righ click the LoadTender action and select Mappings -> Edit Action-State Mappings -> For State Start

Add a link from the Location Process State variable to the GroupKey input of LoadAction

Selecte the newly added link and select to edit its expression

Expand the location variable and double click the regionGroupKey property

The resualting expression should be location.regionGroupKey

Click OK to save the Mapping

Select the CallCreateTenderItem action and select to edit the Parameters property

Add the following entries

Return to the CustomPaymentService Process

Bring up the Resource Library View and search for the process LoadAndCreateTenderItem

Select and drag to place it bellow the LoadAndCreateTenderItem State

Add a link form the StateEntered event of LoadAndCreateTenderItem state connecting to the LoadAndCreateTenderItem call process

Add a link form the Success outcome of the LoadAndCreateTenderItem Call Process to the GetTenderAmount state

From the LoadAndCreateTenderItem Call Process select and drag the Input variables name one by one to the Process figure Inputs

From the LoadAndCreateTenderItem Call Process select and drag the Outputs variables name one by one to the Process figure State Data

From the LoadAndCreateTenderItem Call Process select and drag the following to the Process figure Outputs Data

  • TenderItem
  • TransactionHandler

Return to the HandleTenderFunctionsExt Process

Right click the CallCustomPaymentService Call Process

Select Synchronise → With Call Process

From the CallCustomPaymentService Call Process select and drag the Input variables name one by one to the Process figure Inputs

From the CallCustomPaymentService Call Process select and drag the following to the Process figure Outputs Data

Save the Process

Get Tender Amount

Return to the CustomPaymentService Process

Bring up the Resource Library View and search for the process GetTenderAmount

Select and drag to place it bellow the GetTenderAmount State

Add a link form the StateEntered event of GetTenderAmount state connecting to the GetTenderAmount process

Add a link form the Success outcome of the GetTenderAmount process to the PromptForCode state

Add a link form the Cancel outcome of GetTenderAmount state connecting to the End Process action Cancel

Add a link form the CardRemoved outcome of GetTenderAmount state connecting to the End Process action Cancel

Add a link form the ExitWithEvent outcome of GetTenderAmount state connecting to the End Process action Cancel

Add a link form the Suspend outcome of GetTenderAmount state connecting to the End Process action Cancel

Prompt For Code

Create the following directory paths relative to the Page Definition directory, Training/Pos/Tender

From the WorkspaceSetup\TrainingResources\CustomPaymentService\Page Definition directory, copy the GetCode.xml PageDefinition into your newly created Tender folder

Right click the HandleTenderPromptFunctions_1.0.xml file select Enactor -> Register in Packages

When prompted, register the Page Definition against the Training/Pos/Tender/CustomPaymentService process

Click Register

Return to the CustomPaymentService Process

Select the PromptForCode state

Edit the URL property, enter Training/Pos/Tender/GetCode

Right Click the PromptForCode state, select Synchrinised -> Synchrinised With Prompt Variables

Select the PromptForCode state and add the following Outputs

  • Name :
    • Type : java.lang.String

Select the process figure and add the following State Data

  • Name :
    • Type : java.lang.String

Save the process

Add To Basket

Return to the CustomPaymentService Process

Bring up the Resource Library View and search for the process AddItemToBasket

Select and drag to place it bellow the AddToBasket State

Add a link form the StateEntered event of AddToBasket state connecting to the AddItemToBasket process

Add a link form the Success outcome of AddItemToBasket process connecting to the End Process action Success

Add a link form the Success outcome of AddItemToBasket process connecting to the End Process action Fail

Select the AddItemToBasket process and select to edit the Parameters property

Add the following entry

  • Name : enactor.mfc.TransactionItemProcessor
    • Value : class://com.enactor.mfc.basket.processors.BasketItemProcessor

Right click the process AddItemToBasket and select to edit its mappings

Connect the TenderItem process state data variable to the Input BasketItem

Click OK

Next Steps

Here is an example of a concrete example of a payment service


The completed solution can be found InvokingARestfulService Project located at /WorkspaceSetup/Solutions/CustomPaymentService

To run the solution, import the project as a maven project to your workspace

Select the Training Solution - Custom Payment Service Java launch