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Launch Configuration for Pos Automation


Enactor lets you run automation scripts that can drive the POS behaviour. Currently, Automation tests are run using Maven launches. This guide explains how to create a new maven launch.

Steps to create the Launch

Given a Pos Automation Feature we can create a maven launch and execute the tests.

Go to Run -> Run Configuration -> Maven Build and create a new maven launch.

Choose the Automated Test Project containing the feature files as the Base Directory.

Populate the Goals

clean install test -DforkCount=0 -Dcucumber.plugin="pretty" -Dcucumber.filter.tags="@PT-20000" -Dcucumber.publish.quiet=true

-Dcucumber.filter.tags refers to the tags associated with scenarios in your feature files that needs to be executed.

Add Parameters

Parameter NameValue
(Note: This property file name can be any name and the name should be similar to the created property file)
autClient.configFolderPath to the local pos config folder e.g., C:\Enactor\pos\config
(If you are running on a remote POS, provide the IP of the remote POS machine.
If you are running on a local machine, use localhost)
driver.exec.pathDownload the chrome driver from Version should be equal to the Chromium Version of the POS. (Chromium version of the POS is stated in the Release Note)
Create a new folder WebDrivers in /WorkspaceSetup/Software/WebDrivers and copy the downloaded driver to that folder
eg:- C:\Development\training-workspace-1.0.12\WorkspaceSetup\Software\webDrivers\chromedriver.exe
cucumber.filter.tagsTest Case num e.g., @PT-649
Terminal numberTerminal number of the POS that you will use to run the automation eg: 01

Finally it should look like this

Launch Configuration

Click run to execute the automation