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Extending with Process Set


Process Sets in Enactor serve the purpose of overriding existing Application Processes. They provide the flexibility to modify the behavior of various components within the Enactor POS, Estate Manager, or other systems supplied by Enactor.

What You Will Learn

  • How to create a new Process Set
  • How to override an existing Process


Create a new Process Set

Adding a folder to the lookup path of a resource can be used to defined a Process Set Create a folder with the name of the Process Set that is to be used, Training

|-- "src"
| |-- "META-INF"
| | `-- "deployments"
| | `-- "Process"
| | `-- "Training"

Add the following Program Argument to your POS Launch Configuration


Process Override

To override an existing process, start by duplicating the directory structure of the process you intend to override, relative to deployments\Process.

Bring up the Resource Library and search and open the Application Process LookupItemPrice


The process LookupItemPrice is a process that is called when an item is sold at the pos

Make note of the Process ID Property Pos/Product/LookupItemPrice


The Process ID comprises two primary components. The first part is the location of the file relative to 'META-INF/Process,' and the second part is the name of the process. [Directory path]/[Process Name]

Under the process set folder Training, create a new directory path Pos/Product

Directory path

Copy the original LookupItemPrice Process from the Resource Library into the Product directory.

Ensure the Process ID of the Copied process is Training/Pos/Product/LookupItemPrice

Open the new LookupItemPrice Process and enable the trace option

Run Configuration

To inform the application at runtime to use a process set name during the lookup of a resource a new application argument is required.

Open Run Menu → Debug Configurations

Under the Java application section select Training POS

Select the Arguments tab

Add the following argument (if an argument exists replace with the following)


Click Apply... button

Click Debug... button

Sell a product and you will see your overridden process being traced.



The completed solution can be found in the ProcessSet Project located at /WorkspaceSetup/Solutions/ProcessSet

To run the solution, import the project as a maven project to your workspace

Select the Training Solution - Process Set Java launch