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Setting up a Training Workspace


To provide a consistent explanation of how to organise and find things in your Eclipse workspace, this document will explain the recommended way to setup your development environment.

What You Will Learn

  • The recommended way to setup your development environment



The following guide has been written with Microsoft Windows as the base operating system. As a result, some references to application options and screenshots may differ.

Using the Workspace Setup

Download the following zip file: and extract it into the C:\Development directory

Launch Eclipse and when prompted for a workspace enter the following path C:\Development

Launch Eclipse Development Dir Workspace

Click Launch... button


Dismiss any errors/warnings regarding the Enactor Tools licence.

Select File menu → Import

From the Import dialog, Expand the General collection and select Existing Projects into Workspace

Select Import Existing Projects

Click Next... button

Update the Select root directory text box by browsing to the location of the C:\Development

Select WorkspceSetup

Select Import Worskpace Setup

Click Finish... button

When complete you will have a directory structure similar to the following

Cheked Out Workspace Setup

`-- "WorkspaceSetup"
|-- "Config"
|-- "CustomerProducts"
|-- "Docker"
|-- "EnactorHome"
|-- "GeneralRuntimeDependencies"
|-- "Platform"
|-- "RestMock"
|-- "Software"
|-- "Solutions"
|-- "TrainingResources"
|-- "Workspace"
|-- "WorkspaceProjects"
|-- ""
`-- "externals.txt"

Directories / Files of Interest

WorkspaceSetup/Config - Enactor runtime configuration such as enactor.xml, log properties, etc

WorkspaceSetup/CustomerProducts - Development Projects

WorkspaceSetup/EnactorHome - Enactor home

WorkspaceSetup/GeneralRuntimeDependencies - Maven project providing JDBC drivers, licence Helper dependencies at runtime

WorkspaceSetup/RestMock - A mock Restful service

WorkspaceSetup/Solutions - Solutions to the training guides

WorkspaceSetup/TrainingResources - Resources required by various training guides

WorkspaceSetup/Software - Third party software

WorkspaceSetup/Workspace - Eclipse development working directory

WorkspaceSetup/WorkspaceProjects - Maven project defining a subset of projects for development to be imported

externals.txt - Additional repository definitions to be checked out

Setting up Maven

To use the Maven Dependency manager with Enactor you will first need to set up Maven.

Create a new Maven respository directory named .m2 within you user account directory C:\Users\<USER_NAME>\.m2

Create M2 Directory

From your OS file system, copy the checkout setting.xml file found within /WorkspaceSetup/Config/maven to the newly created .m2 directory.

Checked Out Settings XML

Edit the settings.xml file and replace the following placeholders USER_NAME and PASSWORD with your Enactor Active Directory Credentials

Edit Settings XML

Open the Eclipse Preferences menu and enter Maven in the search bar.

Select the Maven → User Settings

Open Maven Preferences

Confirm that your settings.xml appears in the User Settings Field and that the local Repository Field is also populated

Confirm Maven Settings

Switching to the development Workspace

Enactor development using the To switch the Development workspace, select File menu → Switch Workspace → Other

Switch Workspace

When prompted for a workspace browse to and select the /WorkspaceSetup/Workspace directory and click the Select Folder... button

Browse To Workspace

Click Launch... button

Launch New Workspace


Dismiss any errors/warnings regarding the Enactor Tools licence.

Configuring Eclipse

The workspace setup project provides an Eclipse Preferences file containing various settings for convenience such as:

  • A dummy Enactor Tools Licence
  • Configuration settings for the output Console
  • Placeholder variables, known as string substitutions for Eclipse

To import the provided common Eclipse Preferences, select File menu → Import

Select File Import

Enter the word Preferences in the search test field, select the Preferences option and click Next...button

Select Import Preferences

Browser to the directory WorkspaceSetup/Config/eclipse/Preferences

Select the preferences.epf file

click Open...button

Browse To Preferences

Ensure Import all is selected

Click Finish...button and allow Eclipse to restart when prompted

Import Preferences

Updating String Substitution

Eclipse String substitution variables are used as token values to aid in providing a more reusable and shareable workspace setup. For the workspace setup to know the location of certain files, the following values need to be updated

Open the Eclipse Preferences menu

Select Run/Debug → String Substitutions

Select String Substitutions

Select the entry jdk_dir entry and click Edit...button

Update the value text box by browsing/entering the location of the JDK home directory


To locate the home directory of your installed JDK execute the following in a command prompt or Powershell window


(get-command java.exe).Path

Command Prompt

echo %JAVA_HOME% If JAVA_HOME is defined in our environment, then the command will print it out, if not try where java

When running the above commands, the out will display the path of the executable (This is not the home directory) for example:

PS C:\Users\EnactorTraining> (get-command java.exe).Path
C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-\bin\java.exe

The home directory would be C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-

Click OK...button

Edit JDK Home

Select the entry enactor_root entry and click Edit...button

Update the value text box by browsing to the location of the /WorkspaceSetup/EnactorHome

Click OK...button

Edit Enactor Home

Select the entry dir_sep entry and click Edit...button

update the value with the default directory separator for you OS


Single Character value either \ or / depending on your OS

Click the OK... button

Edit Directory Separator

Defining an installed JRE

Open the Eclipse Preferences menu

Select Java → Installed JREs

Select Installed JREs

Click Add...button

Select Standard VM for the installed JRE Type

Click Next...button

Select JRE Type

Update the JRE home text box by browsing / entering the location of the JDK home directory

Update the JRE name text box by entering default_jre

Click Finish...button

Set JRE as Default

Check the default_jre to make it the default JRE eclipse should use

Use As Default JRE

Click Apply and Close

Installing the Enactor Tools Licence

The Enactor Tools Licence is applied to an individual workspace in Eclipse.

To Install the Enactor Tools Licence, Open the Licence Information window by selecting Help Menu → Licence information...

Click Install New Licence...button

Install New Licence

Select your Enactor Tools Licence

Once selected, click OK...button

Importing The Working Projects

Import Config and Enactor Home

Select File menu → Import

From the Import dialog, Expand the General collection and select Existing Projects into Workspace

Click Next...button

Update the Select root directory text box by browsing to the location of the /WorkspaceSetup

Select Search for nested projects

Select Deselect All

Select the Config and EnactorHome projects


If this is the first time importing projects, you may see a few options

Select Config Enactor Home

Click Finish

Import Maven Development Projects

Select File menu → Import

From the Import dialogue, Expand the Maven collection and select Existing Maven Projects

Select Import Existing Maven Projects

Click Next...button

Update the Root directory text box by browsing to the location of the /WorkspaceSetup/CustomerProducts

Expand Advanced and from the drop-down of Name Template select name

Click Finish...button

Select To Import Workspace Projects

As the projects are imported they will trigger a build phase. This can take some time. If the projects do not build successfully or the build phase did not start, you will need to perform a manual maven install on the project Workspace Projects using the supplied MVN Install (Traning Projects).

To run MVN Install (Traning Projects), Select Run menu → Run Configurations

GRD Select Run Configurations

Select MVN Install (Training Projetcs)

Maven Install Workspace Projects

Once the build is completed right click on the WorkspaceProject → Maven → Update Projects...

Select Maven Update

Click Select All...button

Click OK...button

Maven Update Select All

Import General Runtime Dependencies Project

Select File menu → Import

From the Import dialogue, Expand the Maven collection and select Existing Maven Projects

Click Next...button

Update the Root directory text box by browsing to the location of the /WorkspaceSetup/GeneralRuntimeDependencies

Expand Advanced and from the drop-down of Name Template select name

Click Finish...button

Deploy General Runtime Dependencies

The runtime Enactor application requires a few additional dependencies to be made available to it such as JDBC connection drivers, licence binaries etc

Select Run menu → Run Configurations

GRD Select Run Configurations

From the Run Configurations dialog, expand the Maven Build section and select Deploy General Runtime Dependencies

Click Run... button


When complete you will have a directory structure similar to the following within C:\Developemnt\WorkspaceSetup

`-- "WorkspaceSetup"
|-- "Configuration"
|-- "EnactorHome"
|-- "estateManager"
|-- "BPELProcesses"
|-- "deploy"
|-- "licence"
|-- "shared"

|-- "Software"
|-- "axis2"
|-- "coreAutomation"
|-- "server"
|-- "WebCore"
|-- "WebMaintenance"
|-- "WebPos"
|-- "WebReports"
|-- "WebRetailProcessing"
|-- tomcat

On eclipse, right click on the EnactorHome folder and select Refresh.

Tomcat Server Setup

Tomcat is the preferred Web Server of choice when needing to run the Enactor Web Modules. The following will detail the steps and setup required.

Open the Eclipse Preferences menu

Select Run/Debug → String Substitutions

Select the entry tomcat_root entry and click Edit...button

Update the value text box by browsing/entering the location of the tomcat application /WorkspaceSetup/Software/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.78

Click the OK... button

Select Tomcat Path

Creating a new Server

Select to bring up the Servers view by selecting Window → Show View → Other menu

A new view will appear named Servers

Servers View

Click No servers are available. Click this link to create a new

From the New Server dialog, expand Apache Group and select Tomcat v9.0 Server

Click the Next... button

Select Tomcat 9 Server

Specify the Tomcat installation directory /WorkspaceSetup/Software/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.78

For the JRE, select default_jre from the drop-down

Click Finish...button

New Tomcat Server

Tomcat Server Configuration files

A new Servers Folder containing the newly created tomcat configuration files would have been created in the Project Explorer view.

New Servers Folder

For convenience, a set of configuration files have been created. Copy the contents from
WorkspaceSetup/Config/eclipse/Servers/tomcat 9,
replacing the same files located in
\WorkspaceSetup\Workspace\Servers\Tomcat v9.0 Server at localhost-confi

Copy Tomcat Config

From the Servers view, right-click your server and select Clean

Click OK...button when prompted

From the Servers view, right-click your server and select Publish

Clean Tomcat Server

Adding Web Modules to Tomcat

From the Servers view, double click the Tomcat v9.0 at localhost server. This will bring up the settings page for the selected server.

Expand the Timeouts section and set the Start value to 1800 and the Stop value to 60

Server Settings Timout Values

Select the Modules tab

Select Modules Tab

Select to add External modules by selecting the Add External Web Modle...button

Select Add External Modules

Browse to C:\Development\WorkspaceSetup\Software\server and Select to add WebCore

Enter the text /WebCore in the Path text box.

Add Web Core Module

Select to add External modules by selecting the Add External Web Modle...button

Browse to C:\Development\WorkspaceSetup\Software\server and Select to add WebRetailProcessing

Enter the text /WebRetailProcessing in the Path text box.

Add Web Retail Processing Module

Select to add External modules by selecting the Add External Web Modle...button

Browse to C:\Development\WorkspaceSetup\Software\server and Select to add WebMaintenance

Enter the text /WebMaintenance in the Path text box.

Add Web Maintenance Module

Select to add External modules by selecting the Add External Web Modle...button

Browse to C:\Development\WorkspaceSetup\Software\axis2 and Select to add axis2

Enter the text /axis2 in the Path text box.

Add Web Maintenance Module

Save the changes.

From the Servers view, right-click your server and select Publish

Running the Enactor Applications

Estate Manager

To run the Estate Manager application, Select Run menu → Run Configurations

Expand the Apache Tomcat group and select Tomcat v9.0 Server

Click Run...button

( This will take few minutes to launch )


If you are are not running on Windows you will need to remove the following argument from the Tomcat launch Tomcat v9.0 Server


Log in

When the server shows "Started" in eclipse, Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:39830/WebMaintenance

EM Login

Log in using the default credentials.

Username - install

Password - install

Install User

Import Standard Configuration

After logging, navigate to Administration -> Data Management -> Import -> File Import

Browse C:\Development\WorkspaceSetup\Configuration\StandardConfig and click upload

Import Standard Configuration

Click the view button on the new page and wait till the job status change from "Active" to "Successful"

Schedule Job

When the job is successful, log out and log in using the credentials given in file ./WorkspaceSetup/

Then import the given runtime licence and company using the same procedure used for importing the standard configurations (given above).


To run the POS application, Select Run menu → Run Configurations.

Expand the Java Application group and select Training POS

Click Run...button

( This will take few minutes to launch )

Log in

When the POS is up, log in using the credentials given in the file.

POS Login