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Setting up React Pos dev environment

Please consider the customer name provided when creating the templated customer projects when you see Template Customer / Template / template-customer terms in this documentation.


  1. You should have already set up the enactor eclipse workspace environment using Setting up a Development Workspace.

  2. Follow the following two sections and set up the PDP Server and Web Pos Server.



  3. PDP Server and Web Pos Server should be already started and running.

  4. Visual Studio Code is used as the IDE for React Pos development.

    1. Download and Install Visual Studio Code from

      1. Windows

      2. Debian/Ubuntu

      3. Mac

VS Code plugin installation

Open vscode.

Click on the Extensions icon from the left panel

  • Search prettier. Select Prettier - Code formatter.

  • It will open a details page on the right panel. Click on the install button.

OPTIONAL: Similarly you can install SVN and extension which lets you to see code history/code comparison/commit changes inside vscode. (These can be done via the svn in eclipse setup)

Starting React Pos

  • Go to File → Open Folder...

  • Navigate to the react pos project from the file system and open.

  • Go to View → Terminal

  • This will open up terminal inside the vscode.

If you are connected to the Enactor network

  • Set the npm package registry location as npm registry.

    npm set registry
    npm login

If you are outside of the Enactor network

  • Set the npm package registry location as npm registry.

    npm set registry
    npm login
  • User will be requested for the following. Use the credentials of Active Directory.

    • username

    • password

    • email

If login fails from within VSCode, try using an external terminal window

This will set your npm registry to the Enactor Verdaccio repository

  • Navigate into the template-customer-react-pos and run the following commands.

    cd src-js/packages/template-customer-react-pos/
    npm install
    npm start
  • This will start the pos in http://localhost:3000.

To remove the Enactor register

You need to delete the registered details in your .npmrc file

Mac: located at ~/.npmrc

Windows: run npm config ls -l to find the location.

  • If you don’t see the view given above try clearing browser cookies and refreshing the page.

  • This is something you should do often after when a white screen appears after restarting either of PDP Server / Web Pos Server/ React Pos app.

  • Click on Submit button.

  • Right-click → Inpect to open the the Chrome Dev Tools to the right side.

Installing dev tools in the browser

  • Google react dev tools.

  • Go to the chrome extension listed in search results and install to your browser.

  • Google redux dev tools and install it as well.

  • In the chrome’s Inspect view,

    • Click on the double arrow right top and click on Components.

    • This will show the React Component structure of React Pos application. (This lets you to see the component level state and React virtual DOM structure)

    • Similarly you can open Redux dev tools view.\

  • You will see Redux dev tools view opened like this.

  • This is really helpful to view the React Pos App state.