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Setting up React Pos dev environment


[ This section should describe the aim of the training task, what the reader will be learning and achieving ]

This task will setup VSCode for development with the Enactor React Pos.

  • Time to Complete: 30 minutes

What You'll Learn

[ A description of what the reader will learn once they have completed this tutorial ]


[ What other task or tasks should be completed before starting the tutorial ]

  1. Setting up a Development Workspace


[ The step by step instruction ]


[ Should include screenshots of eclipse put also of the result (e.g. POS screenshots)]


[ to apply the learning. It should be very similar to the training task itself ]


[ An extension to the training task (important when doing group training where one of the attendee has progressed further ]

Further Reading


[ Should give the answer to the exercice. Should also provide the solution of the tutorial (i.e.a zip file containing the final project ]

See Also

[ Links to Other Training Tasks, How To Guides (related to Dev Training but also other Application and configuration) ]