Get Basket Details

Service URL: GET /baskets/{basketReference}


basketReference – The basket reference of the basket to add the items to, or can be ‘PRIMARY’ to add to the PRIMARY basket.


basketType – String – the type of basket to query for

Response Body:


basket – IBasket – The basket associated with the given reference

basketReference – String – the reference of the basket

basketType – String – the type of the basket

basketDescription – String – the description of the basket

basketResponseCode – String – A specific basket code to indict whether the basket was implicitly created by the server.

basketStatus – String – the status of the basket. Fresh baskets have the status NEW. Baskets in progress have the status of IN_PROGRESS. Baskets will have been submitted to retail processing have the status SUBMITTED.


Load an existing basket and return it, without making any changes. A user should only be able to load baskets which belong to them.


ScenarioOutcomeExpected behaviorStatus CodeResponse
1Get Basket service has been given a valid basket referenceSuccessThe basket is returned to the client200BaskerResponse
2Get Basket service has been given a basket reference that doesn’t existNotFoundThe basket is not returned. A NotFound outcome is returned with a 404 not found response.404Error Message: Failed to retrieve basket, outcome: NotFound
3Get Basket service has been given a PRIMARY basket reference with a valid token.SuccessThe primary basket for a customer is returned to the client200BaskerResponse
4Get Basket service has been given a PRIMARY basket reference but no token is suppliedFailThe basket is not returned. The service will fail because the customer’s information is missing500Error Message: Failed to retrieve basket, outcome: Fail

Cucumber (Deprecated):

1Call GetBasket process for a wishlist basket given a valid basket key/referenceSuccessBasketResponse
2Call GetBasket process for a primary basketSuccessBasketResponse

Rest Assured (Deprecated):

1Call GetBasket service for a wishlist basket given a valid basket key/reference200BasketResponse
2Call GetBasket service for a basket given a invalid basket key/reference500ErrorMessage: Failed to retrieve basket
3Call GetBasket service for a primary basket200BasketResponse

Example Request:

GET: http://localhost:8080/WebRestApi/rest/baskets/PRIMARY

Example Response:

    "basket": {
        "items": [
                "@type": "orderDetailsItem",
                "description": "###.###",
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                "lineNumber": 1,
                "netValue": 0,
                "value": 0,
                "dateTimeCreated": "2019-07-19T16:18:23.000+01:00",
                "userId": "CUST_USER",
                "type": "VALUE",
                "orderReference": "15",
                "customerOrderTypeId": "CUSTOMER_ORDER"
                "@type": "styleColourSizeItem",
                "colourId": {
                    "id": "RED",
                    "colourRangeId": "MENS_SHOES"
                "description": "Vans Canvas Shoes",
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                "effectiveNetValue": 5995,
                "lineNumber": 2,
                "netValue": 5995,
                "value": 5995,
                "dateTimeCreated": "2019-07-19T16:18:26.000+01:00",
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                "modifiersNetValue": 0,
                "modifiersEffectiveNetValue": 0,
                "modifiersVoidQuantity": 0,
                "modifiersQuantity": 0,
                "notDiscountable": false,
                "maxDiscount": 0,
                "handKeyed": true,
                "productID": "VV639JS-12",
                "quantity": 1,
                "netQuantity": 1,
                "isReturn": false,
                "unitPrice": 5995,
                "sourceInventoryType": "AVA",
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                "sourceInventoryType": "AVA",
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        "balance": 16375,
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        "taxInclusive": true,
        "taxSchemeId": "UK",
        "itemCount": 6,
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        "totalTaxAdjustment": 0,
        "preAuthBalance": 0,
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    "basketReference": "PRIMARY",
    "basketType": "PRIMARY",
    "basketDescription": "Primary",
    "basketStatus": "IN_PROGRESS"
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