Get Location

Service URL: GET /locations/{locationId}


locationId – The id of the location to return

Response Body:

GetLocationResponse –

location – ILocation – The requested location


Loads the location with the location Id.

 Example Request:

GET: http://localhost:8080/WebRestApi/rest/locations/0001

    "@type": "getLocationResponse",
    "location": {
        "@type": "store",
        "description": "Enactor Store",
        "failedSignOnAttemptsAllowed": 0,
        "failedSignOnAttemptsWarningCount": 0,
        "locationType": "store",
        "startDate": 1399503600000,
        "locationAddress": {
            "@type": "address",
            "countryCodeId": {
                "@type": "countryCodeKey",
                "id": "GB"
            "organisation": "Enactor",
            "typeId": {
                "@type": "contactTypeKey"
            "county": "Hertfordshire",
            "email": "",
            "phone1": "01992 500881",
            "postCode": "SG14 1PB",
            "street1": "Enactor House",
            "street2": "1 Bluecoats",
            "town": "Hertford",
            "referenceName": "locationAddress",
            "isTemplate": false
        "locationId": "0001",
        "emailConfiguration": {
            "@type": "locationEmailConfiguration",
            "locationId": "0001",
            "referenceName": "emailConfiguration",
            "isTemplate": false
        "purgeDetails": {
            "@type": "purgeDetails",
            "isTemplate": false
        "failedSignOnAction": "TEMPORARY_LOCK_OUT",
        "disableInactiveUserAccountDays": 0,
        "isLive": true,
        "volumetricWeightFactor": 0,
        "customerForwarderSurcharge": 0,
        "exchangeRateConversionMethod": "INDIRECT",
        "isTemplate": false,
        "lastUpdated": 1606127787782,
        "autoFinaliseCashedUpSessions": false,
        "autoGenerateSealNumbers": false,
        "branchNumber": 1,
        "cashManagementMethod": "TERMINAL",
        "denominationEntryMethod": "EITHER",
        "suppressSpotcheckSummary": false,
        "tenderBagsOption": "DISALLOWED",
        "headerLinesCentred": false,
        "maximumCashupRecounts": 0,
        "performFloatCheckAfterSignOn": false,
        "trailerLines": "Thankyou for shopping at Enactor",
        "trailerLinesCentred": true,
        "dayEnd": [
                "@type": "dayEnd",
                "day": 2
                "@type": "dayEnd",
                "day": 3
                "@type": "dayEnd",
                "day": 4
                "@type": "dayEnd",
                "day": 5
                "@type": "dayEnd",
                "day": 6
                "@type": "dayEnd",
                "day": 7
                "@type": "dayEnd",
                "day": 1
        "locationBankDetails": {
            "@type": "bankDetails",
            "bankAddress": {
                "@type": "address",
                "countryCodeId": {
                    "@type": "countryCodeKey"
                "typeId": {
                    "@type": "contactTypeKey"
                "isTemplate": false
            "isTemplate": false
        "currencyId": {
            "@type": "currencyKey",
            "id": "GBP"
        "localeId": {
            "@type": "localeKey",
            "id": "en",
            "country": "GB"
        "systemUserId": {
            "@type": "userKey"
        "groupId": {
            "@type": "groupKey",
            "id": "UK",
            "groupTypeId": "region",
            "groupHierarchyId": "All"
        "defaultMenuGroupId": {
            "@type": "groupKey"
        "menuGroupId": {
            "@type": "groupKey",
            "id": "FRAGRANCE",
            "groupTypeId": "menuGroup",
            "groupHierarchyId": "All",
            "variantGroupTypeId": "region",
            "variantGroupId": "All",
            "variantGroupHierarchyId": "All"
        "priceGroupId": {
            "@type": "groupKey",
            "id": "UK",
            "groupTypeId": "priceGroup",
            "groupHierarchyId": "ALL",
            "variantGroupTypeId": "region",
            "variantGroupId": "All",
            "variantGroupHierarchyId": "All"
        "mmGroupHierarchyId": {
            "@type": "groupKey",
            "id": "COSMETICS",
            "groupTypeId": "mmGroup",
            "groupHierarchyId": "COSMETICS",
            "variantGroupTypeId": "region",
            "variantGroupId": "All",
            "variantGroupHierarchyId": "All"
        "fiscalProductGroupHierarchyId": {
            "@type": "groupKey"
        "exchangeRateGroupId": {
            "@type": "groupKey"
        "taxRegionId": {
            "@type": "groupKey",
            "id": "UK",
            "groupTypeId": "taxRegion",
            "groupHierarchyId": "ALLREGIONS",
            "variantGroupTypeId": "region",
            "variantGroupId": "All",
            "variantGroupHierarchyId": "All"
        "taxSchemeId": {
            "@type": "taxSchemeKey",
            "id": "UK"
        "nearestStores": [
                "@type": "locationKey",
                "id": "0003"
        "safe": [
                "@type": "safe",
                "insuranceLimit": 0,
                "safeId": "1",
                "name": "Store Safe"
        "fasciaId": {
            "@type": "groupKey"
        "receiptHeaderImageId": {
            "@type": "imageKey",
            "id": "ENACTOR",
            "category": "RECEIPT",
            "type": "bmp"
        "defaultWarehouseId": {
            "@type": "locationKey",
            "id": "0100"
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