The Basket Payments API will provide the ability to take payment for a basket. This service will interact with the payment portal directly using the details provided by the client and from what’s stored in the basket.
Basket Payments API Url: /baskets/{basketReference}/payments
Take Payment #
Allows a client to take payment for a basket.
Service Url: /baskets/{basketReference}/payments
basketReference – String – The basket reference of the basket to take payment with.
ITakePaymentRequest extends BasketRetrievalRequest
amount – long – the amount to take payment for
currencyId – String – the id of the currency to take payment for
billingAddress – IAddressAndContact – the billing address
WebPaymentRedirectResponse extends Payment Response
redirectUrl – String – the url of the payment gateway to redirect the client to
The service uses the client’s details for the amount, currency, and billing address and creates a payment transaction on the payment portal. A payment tender item is also added to the basket to keep track of the payment result. The service returns a Web Payment Redirect Response including information on the portal transaction and the redirect URL to the payment gateway to complete payment.
Example Request
“amount”: 11990,
“currencyId”: “GBP”,
“billingAddress”: {},
“returnUrl”: “”
Example Response
Get Payment Status #
Allows a client to query to get the status of a payment.
Service Url: /baskets/{basketReference}/payments/{paymentReference}/status
basketReference – String – The basket reference of the basket to get the payment from
paymentReference – String – the reference for the payment to get the status of
Example Request
Example Response