Orders Task API

This API is used to provide a clean view of task information relevant to the order system. It will typically use other services to provide a response but will combine and augment their responses as required

List Available Picks #

Service URL: GET /tasks/orders/availablePicks


No additional parameters are required

Response Body:


availablePicksList – List<IAvailablePick> – A list of the available picks


This service requires authentication

This service will return a list of ‘picks’ that can be performed by the authenticated user


 ScenarioOutcomeExpected BehaviourStatus CodeResponse
1The service is not supplied any Authorisation headerErrorThe service will fail to perform any query401No response body
2The service is supplied an invalid Authorisation headerErrorThe service will fail to perform any query401No response body
3The service is supplied a valid Authorisation headerSuccessThe service should return a list of available picks that can be performed by the authenticated user.200IListAvailablePicksResponse

Example Request:1GET http://localhost:8080/WebRestApi/rest/tasks/orders/availablePicks

    "availablePicksList": [
            "orderId": "9",
            "fulfilmentId": "1",
            "taskId": "a39c48a9-0b1e-471c-b0b5-050a18bbc4d0",
            "customerTitle": "Miss",
            "customerFistName": "Abigail",
            "customerSurname": "Jones",
            "orderTotal": 995,
            "orderCurrency": "GBP",
            "dateCreated": 1604662300000
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