Search Orders

The order API is used to get details about an order. It can also be used to request cancellation and return an order or an item within an order. It cannot be used to submit an order – that must be done by creating a basket and submitting it through the checkout flow.

Service URL: GET /orders


typeId – String – the id of the customer order type – required.

earliestDate – Date – List orders created after, or on, this date – Optional, defaults to 60 days ago

latestDate – Date – List orders created before, or on, this date – Optional, defaults to now

pageSize – Integer – The maximum number of orders to return on a single page – Optional, defaults to 10, limited to 100.

pageOffset – Integer – The offset, in rows, of the first order to return – Optional defaults to 0

Response Body:


orderList – List<ICustomerOrder> – A list of order details, including the orderId.


This service can be used to list orders associated with the customer. 


ScenarioOutcomeExpected behaviourStatus CodeResponse
1The orders service recieves no query paramsSuccessThe service should return the customers orders, limited to 10 and within the date range of today and 60 days ago.200IListOrdersResponse: OrderList: List of customer orders.
2The orders service recieves a value for the earliestDate paramSuccessThe service should return the customers orders, limited to 10 and within the date range of today and <EarliestDateParam> days ago.200IListOrdersResponse: OrderList: List of customer orders.
3The orders service recieves a value for the latestDate paramSuccessThe service should return the customers orders, limited to 10 and within the date range of <LatestDateParam>and 60 days ago.200IListOrdersResponse: OrderList: List of customer orders.
4The orders service recieves a value for the pageSize paramSuccessThe service should return the customers orders, limited to <PageSizeParam> and within the date range of today and 60 days ago.200IListOrdersResponse: OrderList: List of customer orders.
5The orders service recieves a value for the pageOffset paramSuccessThe service should return the customers orders, limited to 10, with an offset of <PageOffsetParam> and within the date range of today and 60 days ago.200IListOrdersResponse: OrderList: List of customer orders.

Example Request

GET http://localhost:8080/WebRestApi/rest/orders?typeId=CUSTOMER_ORDER
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                                "string": "From Vans"
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                                "string": "Check Button Down Collar Western Shirt"
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                                "string": "Lightweight cotton tea dress. Back shirring for improved fit."
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