Service URL: POST /customers/emailAddresses
Request Body:
emailAddressDetails – IEmailAddress – The new email address details for the customer
Response Headers:
Location: /customers/emailAddresses/{emailAddressId}
This service can add a new email address for the customer. This service can also change the preferred email address for the customer. If so, the existing preffered email address is updated to clear the preferred flag.
Request Body:
emailAddressDetails – IEmailAddress – The new email address details for the customer
Response Headers:
Location: /customers/emailAddresses/{emailAddressId}
This service can add a new email address for the customer. This service can also change the preferred email address for the customer. If so, the existing preffered email address is updated to clear the preferred flag.
Example Request:
Content-Type: application/json
"@entity" : "retail:addCustomerEmailAddressRequest",
"emailAddress" : {
"@entity": "retail:emailAddress",
"emailAddress": "",
"lastUpdated": 1521048023000,
"preferred": true,
"restrictedReason": "",
"status": "",
"typeId": {
"@entity": "retail:contactTypeKey",
"id": ""
"referenceId": "",
"active": true
Example Response:
Status: 200 OK