Service URL: PUT /customers/addresses/{addressId}
addressId – The id of the address to update
Request Body:
addressAndContact – IAddressAndContact – The address with associated contact details to add to the customer
This service is used to update an existing address associated with the customer. The address may include a phone number and mobile phone number. This service can also be used to change the preferred contact and delivery addresses, in which case the existing preferred contact and delivery address is changed to not have the preferred flag.
Example Request:
PUT: http://localhost:8080/WebRestApi/rest/customers/addresses/2
Content-Type: application/json
"@entity" : "retail:updateCustomerAddressRequest",
"address" : {
"@entity" : "retail:address",
"country" : "UK",
"countryCodeId" : {
"@entity" : "retail:countryCodeKey"
"organisation" : "Enactor Limited Work",
"typeId" : {
"@entity" : "retail:contactTypeKey",
"county" : "Hertfordshire",
"street1" : "1 Bluecoats Avenune",
"town" : "Hertord",
"isTemplate" : false
Example Response:
Status: 200 OK